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Princeton's Alexander Hall (1891-4) noted for its large relief carving showing figures & symbols from the history of science, arts & knowledge in general. Princeton, NJ. Style: Victorian Romanesque. Architect: William Appleton Potter.  | Towered gate with clock of Blair Hall (1897) on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. Architect: Cope & Stewardson. | Facade details entrance tower of Blair & Buyers Halls on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Blair Hall gate on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |
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Blair Hall gate on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Witherspoon Hall (1875-7) on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. Style: Victorian Romanesque. Architect: William Appleton Potter & Robert Henderson Robertson. | Oval with Points (1971) sculpture by Henry Moore on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Clio & Whig Halls (1893) on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. Style: Greek Revival. Architect: Arthur Page Brown + Stratton & Ellingwood. |
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Clio & Whig Halls match each other with marble temple fronts on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Bengal Tigers (1968) by Bruce Moore on mall between Clio & Whig Halls with Nassau Hall in Nassau Hall. NJ. | Nassau Hall (1860) on Princeton campus. NJ. | Tigers (1910) by A. Phimister Proctor before Nassau Hall. Princeton, NJ. |
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Nassau Hall Tiger, one of many of Princeton's mascot. Princeton, NJ. | East Pyne Hall (1897) Princeton Administration Building (former Pyne Library). Princeton, NJ. Style: Gothic. Architect: William Appleton Potter. | Tower of East Pyne Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | East facade of Gothic East Pyne Hall. Princeton, NJ. |
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Gateway of East Pyne Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Window detail of East Pyne Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Sculpture of academic in robes in courtyard of East Pyne Hall. Princeton, NJ. | Sculpture of academic with quill pen in courtyard of East Pyne Hall. Princeton, NJ. |
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Sculpture of John Witherspoon (1723-94) the only college president or preacher to sign the Declaration of Independence beside Pyne Library on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Outer walls of East Pyne Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Outer walls of East Pyne Hall. Princeton, NJ. | Chancellor Green Library (1873) on Princeton campus. NJ. |
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Chancellor Green Library roof details on Princeton campus. NJ. | Multicolored stone walls of Victorian Gothic Chancellor Green Library. NJ. | Stanhope Hall (1804) on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. Style: Federal. Architect: Benjamin Henry Latrobe. On National Register. | Joseph Henry House (1838) now part of Andlinger Center for Humanities on Princeton campus. NJ. Architect: Joseph Henry. On National Register. |
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Princeton University Chapel (1928). Princeton, NJ. Style: Gothic. Architect: Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson. | Portal of Princeton University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. | Relief of Christ plus symbols of Evangelists Mathew, Mark, Luke & John over portal of University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. | Relief of bull symbol of Evangelists Luke over portal of Princeton University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. |
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Gothic design elements on facade of University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. | Gothic interior of Princeton University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. | Stained-glass windows over alter of Princeton University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. | Gothic exterior of Princeton University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. |
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Gothic exterior of side of University Chapel over Mather Sundial (1907). Princeton, NJ. | Mather Sundial (1907) & University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. | McCosh Hall (1907) on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. Style: Gothic. Architect: Raleigh C. Gildersleeve. | Pair of carved tigers on McCosh Hall. Princeton, NJ. |
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Harvey S. Firestone Memorial Library (1948). NJ. | McCormick Hall Art Museum addition (1989) on Princeton campus. NJ. | 20 Big Figures sculpture group by Magdalena Abakanowicz in front of Princeton University Art Museum in McCormick Hall. Princeton, NJ. | Robertson Hall (1965) site of Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs. NJ. Style: Modern. Architect: Minoru Yamasaki. |
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Robertson Hall with "Fountain of Freedom" sculpture (1966) in reflecting pool by James Fitzpatrick, memorial to Woodrow Wilson. Princeton, NJ. | Modern columns of Robertson Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |