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Princeton's Alexander Hall (1891-4) noted for its large relief carving showing figures & symbols from the history of science, arts & knowledge in general. Princeton, NJ. Style: Victorian Romanesque. Architect: William Appleton Potter. | Arches & tower of Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Stonework detail of tower of Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Arch detail of Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |
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Curving stone walls of Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Moses on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Law & justice & Old Testament story of good & evil by tree of life with owl on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |
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Geometry, agriculture & chemistry on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Greek & sciences on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Greek man moving rock with a rope on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Various arts & religion on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |
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Figures of geography, music, poetry, painting, sculpture & architecture on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Seated symbol of learning with book of knowledge on his knee carved on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Figures of oratory, theology, law, history, philosophy & ethics on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Seated Christ on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |
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Church & state & New Testament parables of good & evil by tree of life on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Pythagoras at center on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Astronomy geology & agriculture on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Astronomer looks through telescope on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |
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Winged beast on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Carved facade of Alexander Hall by J.A. Bolger & J. Massey Rhind on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Sculpture & architecture on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |