To start, you need to select an index of photos either by country or subject.
Skim the index till you find what you are looking for.
If you seek a particular word or phrase, use your web browser's find feature (usually invoked by the Ctrl+F keystroke combination) to search for the phrase within the index page.
Some index pages, have "See also" links to related subjects.
Some photo captions conclude with a button pointing to indexes with extra images of the same subject (i.e. a museum's more link brings up a list of more photos of its building and exhibits.)
Once you spot an interesting photo in the index, enlarge the photo.
Click on the thumbnail image (if it exists) or on the caption (if no thumbnail is present).
Some subject indexes have unclickable text options presented to supply perspective only (e.g. all state capitals are listed so you have a complete list, even though we lack some photos).
Clicking an index item enlarges the image in a floater window.
Each subsequent click in the index replaces the image in the floater. You do not need to close the floater after each photo.
You can also move through the series of photos in the index by clicking the & buttons in the floater.
You can resize the floater or drag it to a new position (click & hold the top bar while you move the mouse) & it will retain this size & position.
At any time you can go back to a previous image by holding the Alt button & then touching the arrow key which points left). Then go forward using Alt+right arrow key. Some keyboards even have Back & Forward buttons built in for this function.
If you have a pop-up blocker which prohibits popover windows, you may need to disable the blocker for There are plenty of instructions on the Internet. Just search for disable popup blocker. If you have the feature included with Internet Explorer, the Tools menu would include a Pop-up Blocker option.
If you close the floater using the Close button, focus will return to the index you were using. If you close using the X button in the upper-right corner, focus will go to the window you were last using.