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Morven (c1758) built by Richard Stockton, signer of Declaration of Independence, & Annis Boudinot Stockton, early American Poet. Princeton, NJ. On National Register. | Morven & gardens. Princeton, NJ. | Morven, once the official home of New Jersey's Governors. Princeton, NJ. | Monument to Battle of Princeton on January 3, 1777. Princeton, NJ. |
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George Washington dominates Monument to Battle of Princeton. Princeton, NJ. | Bainbridge House (1766) (158 Nassau St.) now used by Historical Society of Princeton. Princeton, NJ. Style: Georgian. Architect: Job Stockton. | Bainbridge House facade. Princeton, NJ. | Princeton Public Library. Princeton, NJ. |
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Commerce on Nassau Street at edge of Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. | Westland Mansion, former home of Grover Cleveland on 15 Hodge Road. Princeton, NJ. On National Register. | Shingle building on Hodge Road. Princeton, NJ. Style: Shingle. | 23 Hodge Road. Princeton, NJ. |
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37 Hodge Road. Princeton, NJ. | Home of Albert Einstein (112 Mercer St.) when he taught at Princeton University. Princeton, NJ. On National Register. |