John Henry Dearle Art Photos

John Henry Dearle (1859-1932) an English decorative designer, associate of William Morris who eventually headed Morris & Co.

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John Henry Dearle drawing by Edward Payne at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Golden Bough fabric by William Morris or John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Diagonal Wreath ceramic tile [c1875-80] possibly by Kate Faulkner or John Henry Dearle for Morris & Co. at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Persian Brocatel fabric by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.
John Henry Dearle (started as Morris' apprentice & eventually became firm's chief designer) drawing (c1930) by Edward Payne at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Golden Bough fabric (designed c1883) by William Morris or John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Diagonal Wreath ceramic tile [c1875-80] possibly by Kate Faulkner or John Henry Dearle for Morris & Co. at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Persian Brocatel fabric (c1890) by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.
Detail of Persian Brocatel fabric by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Yare printed cotton by John Henry Dearle printed at Merton Abbey at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Rose & Lily woven silk & wool fabric by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Compton Hall printed cotton by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.
Detail of Persian Brocatel fabric (c1890) by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Yare printed cotton (c1892) by John Henry Dearle printed at Merton Abbey at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Rose & Lily woven silk & wool fabric (1893) by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.Compton Hall printed cotton (1896) by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.
Bourne printed cotton by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.St George stained glass by John Henry Dearle made by Morris & Co at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.

Bourne printed cotton (1905) by John Henry Dearle at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.St George stained glass (1921) by John Henry Dearle made by Morris & Co at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom.

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All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Jim Steinhart.
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