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Assyrian two winged genies with various attributes (c870 BCE) from Nimrud NW Palace of Kings at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Assyrian two winged genie (c870 BCE) from Nimrud NW Palace of Kings at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Assyrian two winged genie (c870 BCE) from Nimrud NW Palace of Kings at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Assyrian two winged genie (c870 BCE) from Nimrud NW Palace of Kings at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. |
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Assyrian two winged genie (c870 BCE) from Nimrud NW Palace of Kings at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Assyrian two winged genie (c870 BCE) from Nimrud NW Palace of Kings at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Assyrian Tree of Life being pollinated by two winged genies (c870 BCE) from Nimrud NW Palace of Kings at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Assyrian alabaster slab carved with relief of Genius & flowering tree (c865-860 BCE) from Nimrud at Memorial Art Gallery. Rochester, NY. |
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Collection of Assyrian reliefs (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Assyrian relief of eagle-headed genie (apkallu) (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace of Nimrud at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Assyrian relief of winged genie with horned helmet (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace of Nimrud at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Two reliefs of Assyrian genies (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace of Nimrud at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Assyrian relief of King Ashur-nasir-pal II & winged genie (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace of Nimrud at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Assyrian relief of winged genie with fancy bracelets (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace of Nimrud at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Detail of Assyrian relief of winged genie with fancy bracelets (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace of Nimrud at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Detail of Assyrian relief of winged genie with fancy bracelets (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace of Nimrud at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Assyrian relief of eagle-headed genie with between two sacred trees (883-859 BCE) from King Ashur-nasir-pal II palace of Nimrud at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Assyrian relief of Saluting Protective Spirit (883-859 BCE) from Nimrud Northwest Palace at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. | Alabaster Assyrian relief (883-859 B.C.) showing an eagle headed genie watering a sacred tree from Nimrud Palace in Yale Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | Alabaster Assyrian relief (883-859 B.C.) showing human headed genie watering a sacred tree from Nimrud Palace in Yale Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. |
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Assyrian relief of human-headed spirit figure (Apkallu) tending sacred tree (c883-859 BCE) at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | Assyrian relief of attendant carrying bow, arrows & mace (c883-859 BCE) at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | One of pair of Assyrian reliefs (883-859 BCE) of libation induced transition between winged human body with bird head to more normal form with panel over inscribed with cuneiform text at Pergamon Museum. Berlin, Germany. | One of pair of Assyrian reliefs (883-859 BCE) of libation induced transition between winged human body with bird head to more normal form with panel over inscribed with cuneiform text at Pergamon Museum. Berlin, Germany. |
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Iran: alabaster reliefs of hawk-headed deity from palace of Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II (883-858 BCE) at LACMA. Los Angeles, CA. | Iran: alabaster reliefs of king with four wings from palace of Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II (883-858 BCE) at LACMA. Los Angeles, CA. | Iran: alabaster reliefs of two bearded men from palace of Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II (883-858 BCE) at LACMA. Los Angeles, CA. | Assyrian relief of winged human body with bird head in transition between to more human form at Pergamon Museum. Berlin, Germany. |
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Assyrian schedu lamassu, a human headed, winged lion with horned crown cast from British Museum at Pergamon Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Detail of face of Assyrian schedu lamassu, a human headed, winged lion with horned crown cast from British Museum at Pergamon Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Babylonian full-size relief of hero with lion cub & winged bull with man's head (c710 BC) from citadel of Dur-Sharukkin at the Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Babylonian relief of hero training a lion (c710 BC) from citadel of Dur-Sharukkin at the Louvre Museum. Paris, France. |
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Babylonian relief of horse driver (c710 BC) from citadel of Dur-Sharukkin at the Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Babylonian relief of servants carrying small chariot (c710 BC) from citadel of Dur-Sharukkin at the Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Basalt stele of Assyrian King Esarhaddon with cuneiform inscription (671 BCE) from Sam'al (Zincirli) in Turkey at Pergamon Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Capital in form of two bulls (510 BCE) for supporting ceiling beams of Persian palace of Darius I at Suse (Iran) at the Louvre Museum. Paris, France. |