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Coburg Castle (Veste Coburg) (started 10thC) is one of best preserved Medieval Castles in Germany. Coburg, Germany. | Half-timber walls at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Collection of carved horse-drawn racing snow sleds or ladies carousels (17th & 18thC) at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Carved horse-drawn racing snow sled with Indian (c1723) & other themes at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. |
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Carved horse-drawn racing snow sled with Unicorn (c1700) theme at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Carved horse-drawn racing snow sled with Pelican (c1700) theme at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Processional wagon (c1560) used for second wedding (1599) between Duke Johann Casimir von Sachsen-Coburg & Margarethe von Braunschweig-Lüneburg at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Processional wagon (c1586) used for first wedding (1599) between Duke Johann Casimir von Sachsen-Coburg & Anna (daughter of Elector August von Sachsen) at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. |
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Carving details of Processional wagon (c1586) used for first wedding (1599) of Duke Johann Casimir von Sachsen-Coburg at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Travel wagon (c1650) at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Galacoupé ceremonial court vehicle (c1840) perhaps used by Queen Victoria made in Brussels at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Collection of horse-drawn coaches at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. |
Antique firearms collection at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. |