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New York State Capitol (1867-99) is a mixture of styles reflecting three major architects who worked on the building. Albany, NY. Style: Italian Renaissance & Romanesque. Architect: Thomas Fuller + Leopold Eidlitz + Henry Hobson Richardson. | New York State Capitol staircase is one of largest in USA. Albany, NY. | Detail of east facade & staircase of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | West facade & fountain pool of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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South facade of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Romanesque southeast tower of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Romanesque rhythm of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Gabel detail of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Chimney & pediment detail of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Carved decorations on New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Courtyard levels showing change of styles over time in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Carved eagle on staircase in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Carved face on New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Lamp stands of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Eagles support corners of stairs on New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Decorative element of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Equestrian statue of Albany-born US Army General Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-86) by J.Q.A. Ward at New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Assembly chamber in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Windows of Assembly chamber in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Lamp of Assembly chamber in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Stained glass window in House of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Stained glass window in Senate of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Senate Chamber of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Senate desks in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Senate gallery in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Relief of Leopold Eidlitz, one of the capitol architects, in Senate of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Relief of Frederick Law Olmstead, the capitol landscape architect, in Senate of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Arch & ceiling within Senate of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Stained glass windows of Senate in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Clock with state seal in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Art Deco lamp in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Governor's reception room in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Fireplace of Governor's reception room in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Stained glass in Governor's reception room showing wine agriculture in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Stained glass in Governor's reception room showing grain agriculture in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Stained glass in Governor's reception room showing corn agriculture in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Goddess of war on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Dutch vs. English mural on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | English vs. Americans mural on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Indians vs. French mural on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Mohawks mural on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Onandogoga mural on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Cycugas mural on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Oncidias & Cenicos mural on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Great Western or Million Dollar Staircase (1883-97) in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Newell post on Great Western staircase in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Prominent New Yorkers carved on Great Western staircase in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Prominent New Yorkers carved on Great Western staircase in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Carving of President Thomas Jefferson in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Relief carving of Grand Army of the Republic Veterans shield in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Carving of President Ulysses S. Grant in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Relief carving of President Martin Van Buren in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Portrait of President Grover Cleveland in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Portrait of Col. Teddy Roosevelt on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Portrait of President Teddy Roosevelt in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Portrait of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Portrait of Governor & Presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Portrait of Governor & Presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | General Montgomery on war room ceiling of New York State Capitol New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Portrait of Dewitt Clinton, moving force behind the Erie Canal, in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Gothic staircase to Assembly wing in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Evolution panels of Senate staircase in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |