Burgundy Wine Region Photos

La Rochepot chateau & Monthelie.

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La Rochepot chateau on hill above town in Burgundy Wine Region. La Rochepot, France.Vineyard above town of Monthelie along Route des Grands Crus tourist route through Burgundy Wine Region. Monthelie, France.Courtyard of Hotel Dieu with colored glazed tile roof, gables & finials. Beaune, France.Overview of Autun between Tour des Ursulines & Cathedral St Lazarre. Autun, France.
La Rochepot chateau (12th & 15thC) on hill above town in Burgundy Wine Region. La Rochepot, France.Vineyard above town of Monthelie along Route des Grands Crus tourist route through Burgundy Wine Region. Monthelie, France.Courtyard of Hotel Dieu (1443) with colored glazed tile roof, gables & finials. Beaune, France. Architect: Jehan Wisecrère. Overview of Autun between Tour des Ursulines & Cathedral St Lazarre. Autun, France.

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All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Jim Steinhart.
All rights reserved. Permission required to use.