Portmeirion Village Photos

Portmeirion Village (1925-75) designed and built in a Baroque style by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, is a fanciful and very popular tourist village in Gwynedd North Wales. Sir Clough drew on the image of a classic Italian village for his creation. Portmeirion has been a set for movies & television shows, most famously for the TV series "The Prisoner" (1960's). Portmeirion, which is owned by a charitable trust, is run mostly as a hotel. Day visitors are welcome but there is an admission charge. The well-known Portmeirion Pottery was established by Sir Clough's daughter in 1960 at Stoke-on-Trent. The pottery, with its floral designs, remains in business to this day.

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View from Portmeirion Village with Welsh flag in foreground. Gwynedd, Wales.Portmeirion fanciful tourist village, designed & built in a Baroque style by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis. Gwynedd, Wales.Town Hall & Atlas carrying the world statue at Portmeirion Village. Gwynedd, Wales.View of Portmeirion Village atop hill with Welsh flag in foreground. Gwynedd, Wales.
View from Portmeirion Village with Welsh flag in foreground. Gwynedd, Wales.Portmeirion (1925-75) fanciful tourist village, designed & built in a Baroque style by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis. Gwynedd, Wales.Town Hall & Atlas carrying the world statue at Portmeirion Village. Gwynedd, Wales.View of Portmeirion Village atop hill with Welsh flag in foreground. Gwynedd, Wales.
Portmeirion Village fanciful buildings & gardens. Gwynedd, Wales.

Portmeirion Village fanciful buildings & gardens. Gwynedd, Wales.

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All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Jim Steinhart.
All rights reserved. Permission required to use.