Morris Gallery, London Photos

The Morris Gallery occupies the boyhood home of artist, poet & socialist William Morris (1848-56) in the suburb of Walthamstow east of London. Morris was one of the founders & proponents of the Arts & Crafts movement. This museum displays printed designs & books of Morris plus the decorative arts of his associates.

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Morris Gallery - Morris History Objects Boyhood home of William Morris now the Morris Gallery museum in Walthasmstow. London, United Kingdom William Morris portrait by Charles Fairfax Murray at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom Jane Morris , William's wife posing as Helen of Troy in painting study by William Morris at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom
Morris Gallery - Wallpapers & Fabrics Detail of William Morris' for Lily & Pomegranate wallpaper at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom Strawberry Thief printed cotton by William Morris & printed by Merton Abbey at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom Wey printed cotton by William Morris & printed by Merton Abbey at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom
Morris Gallery - Tiles, Ceramics, Stained Glass, Furniture Artichoke ceramic tile by William Morris or William De Morgan at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom Amor & Alceste stained glass by Edward Burne-Jones & Philip Webb made by Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom Armchair with back adjustable to recline to several angles which became widely copied with generic name Morris Chair by Philip Webb for Morris & Co at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom
Morris Gallery - Typeset & Printed Art Aims in Founding Kelmscott Press essay by William Morris with graphic of Psyche Borne off by Zephyrus by Edward Burne-Jones at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom A Dream of John Ball by William Morris with graphics by Edward Burne-Jones for Kelmscott Press a bestselling poem at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom Socialist banner painted with scene from Morris' book A Dream of John Ball on silk at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom

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All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Jim Steinhart.
All rights reserved. Permission required to use.