Museums of London, England Photos

This index presents many London Museums covered thousands of images: art, decorative arts, history, technology, house museums, and world cultures.

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British Museum, London Glass atrium of Queen Elizabeth Great Court of British Museum over Reading Room & Stone Lion. London, United Kingdom Horse's head from chariot of moon-goddess Selene on east pediment of Athens Parthenon by Pheidias at British Museum. London, United Kingdom Roman silver platter with Bacchic scene part of Mildenhall Treasure at British Museum. London, United Kingdom
National Gallery, London National Gallery building beyond Lion of Trafalgar Square. London, United Kingdom Life-size painting of horse Whistlejacket by George Stubbs at National Gallery. London, United Kingdom Sunflowers painting by Vincent van Gogh at National Gallery. London, United Kingdom
National Portrait Gallery, London Queen Elizabeth I Ditchley portrait by Marcus Gheeraerts Younger at National Portrait Gallery. London, United Kingdom Emily Brontë portrait by Patrick Branwell Brontë at National Portrait Gallery. London, United Kingdom Physicist Sir Isaac Newton portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller at National Portrait Gallery. London, United Kingdom
Tate Britain, London Tate Gallery Britain building on the Thames River at Millbank. London, United Kingdom Unknown lady perhaps Helena Snakenborg, later Marchiness of Northampton portrait by unknown British artist at Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom Sancta Lilias painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti at Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom
Royal Academy of Arts, London Gates on Burlington House site of Royal Academy of Arts. London, United Kingdom Assembled members of the Royal Academy with president Benjamin West sitting in red chair painting by Henry Singleton at Royal Academy of Arts. London, United Kingdom Virgin & Child with Infant St John by Michelangelo at Royal Academy of Arts. United Kingdom
Sir John Soane's Museum, London Facade of Sir John Soane's Museum. London, United Kingdom Library ceiling arches with shelves for antique ceramic collection at Sir John Soane's Museum. London, United Kingdom Antique collection of grotesque faces at Sir John Soane's Museum. London, United Kingdom
Morris Gallery, Walthamstow Boyhood home of William Morris now the Morris Gallery museum in Walthasmstow. London, United Kingdom William Morris portrait by Charles Fairfax Murray at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom Strawberry Thief printed cotton by William Morris & printed by Merton Abbey at Morris Gallery. London, United Kingdom

See Also:

All photos on this page are originals by & copyrighted by Jim Steinhart.
All rights reserved. Permission required to use.