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Collection of Greek & Roman Amphorae for oil or wine showing variety of shapes (6thC BCE - 8thC CE) from Mediterranean world at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Collection of Greek & Roman Amphorae for oil or wine showing variety of shapes (6thC BCE - 8thC CE) from Mediterranean world at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Bronze head from larger the life statue of Augustus (c27-25 BCE) prob. made in Egypt, found in Meroe, Sudan at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman silver cup (kantharos) showing male couples (c15 BCE - 15 CE) prob. found in Bittir near Jerusalem at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Roman marble sculpture of African acrobat diving onto a crocodile (1stC BCE or 1stC CE) a popular entertainment at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Collection of Roman busts at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Collection of Roman oil lamps (1stC-2ndC CE) made in Italy & France at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Collection of Roman oil lamps (1stC-2ndC CE) mostly made in England at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Roman oil lamps showing victorious chariot teams (1stC CE) made in Italy at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Terracotta oil lamp in form of dolphin (c30-80 CE) made in Italy at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Terracotta oil lamp in form of sandaled foot (c50-100 CE) made in Italy, found in Libya at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman terracotta multi-nozzle ring-shaped oil lamp decorated with myrtle-wreath (c50-100 CE) made in Italy, found in Libya at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Terracotta oil lamp with Attis on a cult-car pulled by rams (c175-225 CE) made in Italy, found in Surrey? at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman bronze hanging lamp with lions & dolphins (1stC CE) from Paris at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman bronze lamp with moon goddess Luna crossing night sky on chariot pulled by bulls (1stC CE) at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman bronze oil lamp in form of dolphin (c50-100 CE) at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Roman terracotta vase in form of rabbit (2ndC CE) from France at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman terracotta jug in form of caricatured man (2ndC CE) from Asia Minor at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Terracotta face-pot dedicated to Mercury found in Lincoln at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman mosaic floor showing sea life used for food (c100 CE) from Tuscany at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Roman mosaic fountain showing sea god Oceanus where water jets from mouth (3rdC CE) from Carthage at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman cameo glass Portland Vase where excess outer white layer was carved away leaving a white image over blue base (c15 BCE-25 CE) made in Rome at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Detail of Roman cameo glass Portland Vase (c15 BCE-25 CE) which Wedgwood used as a model for its famous ceramic vase at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman cameo glass disc of head of young man (c15 BCE-25 CE) prob. made in Rome at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Roman cameo glass vase (aka Auldjo jug) (c25-50 CE) found in House of Faun in Pompeii, Italy at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman sardonyx cameo busts of two imperial family members as Jupiter Ammon & Juno or Isis (c37-50 CE) at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman sardonyx cameo busts perhaps of two imperial family members as Minerva & Juno (c54-68 CE) at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman sardonyx cameo perhaps of moon goddess Luna crossing night sky on chariot pulled by bulls (c193-217 CE) at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Collection of Roman era glass (1stC-2ndC CE) found in Britain but probably mostly imported at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman era pillar-molded blue glass bowl (1stC CE) imported to Britain prob. from Italy at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman era glass (1stC-2ndC CE) found in England at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman era mold-blown glass African head vase (1stC CE) found in London at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Roman era glass flagon (1stC CE) found in Cambridgeshire at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman era glass flagon plus cut-glass beaker (1stC CE) found in Cambridgeshire at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman blown glass drinking horn (rhyton) terminating in deer's head (50-125 CE) made in Italy at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman carved glass cup (4thC) in metal mounts (18th or 19th C) depicts story of King Lycurgus (aka Lycurgus Cup) at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Roman blown glass beaker with rows of lion masks (4thC CE) made in Gaul from Rheims, France at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman glass bottle (4thC CE) from Egypt at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman glass jug & amphora with marvered (smoothed) white trails (4thC CE) prob. made in Rhineland, Germany at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman glass disk with gold image of wedding couple (4thC CE) from Rome at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Roman glass disk with gold image of Christ with saints (4thC CE) from Rome at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Roman glass disks with gold images of gladiator & beardless man (4thC CE) from Rome at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Late Roman silver bowls & spoons (300s-400s CE) from Carthage Treasure at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Late Roman silver patera (shallow bowl) decorated with frog (c400 CE) from Carthage Treasure at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Late Roman silver casket (c380 CE) discovered in Treasure at foot of Esquiline Hill in Rome at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Late Roman fluted dish (c380 CE) found in Esquiline Treasure of Rome at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Late Roman silver furniture fittings representing the Tyche of Constantinople (c330-370 CE) part of Esquiline Treasure at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Late Roman silver ewer & flask (4thC CE) part of Esquiline Treasure at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
Late Roman silver Muse casket cosmetic box (c330-370 CE) part of Esquiline Treasure at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |