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Spires of former Tron Kirk & St Giles on Royal Mile from Edinburgh Castle. Edinburgh, Scotland. | High Streetscape opposite St Giles Cathedral. Edinburgh, Scotland.  | High St. streetscape looking to Royal Mile Market (former Tron Kirk) from St Giles. Edinburgh, Scotland. | High St. with Scots Baronial tenement & Royal Mile Market (former Tron Kirk). Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Tron Kirk (1637-1785) now Royal Mile Market with spire (1828) by R & R Dickson. Edinburgh, Scotland. Style: Gothic & Classical. Architect: John Mylne & John Scott. | Tron Kirk (Royal Mile Market) with spire (1828) by R & R Dickson. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Stained glass windows (c1897) in Tron Kirk. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Stained glass window in Tron Kirk. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Inn on the Mile (former as the British Linen Bank) (1923) & Tron Kirk (Royal Mile Market). Edinburgh, Scotland. | Scots Baronial corner tenement & Royal Mile Market (former Tron Kirk) on High St. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Scots Baronial corner tenement (former bank) (1892-3) (Royal Mile curving onto Cockburn St.). Edinburgh, Scotland. Architect: John MacLachlan. | Scots Renaissance architecture of Scotsman block (1899-1902) on Royal Mile at North Bridge. Edinburgh, Scotland. Architect: James Dunn & James Finlay. |
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Scots Renaissance architecture of Scotsman block on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Radisson Hotel on High Street. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Sculpted entrance to Paisley Close on High Street. Edinburgh, Scotland. | High Street row of heritage tenements & shops around Anchor Close. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Museum of Childhood on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland.  | High Street looking to John Knox House in middle projecting across sidewalk. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Looking up High Street from John Knox House. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Moubray House (c1477 foundation & early 17th C facade) & John Knox House (1556), two of the oldest houses in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Well head in front of John Knox House. Edinburgh, Scotland.  | Well head details in front of John Knox House. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Bronze well head mouth piece in front of John Knox House. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Exterior decoration on John Knox House. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Canongate Tollbooth along streetscape of Canongate Street section of Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | The People's Story Museum in Canongate Tollbooth. Edinburgh, Scotland.  | Canongate Kirk (1688) (on Royal Mile). Edinburgh, Scotland. | Crests on arched facade of Canongate Kirk. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Statue of Robert Fergusson Scots Poet (1750-74) at Canongate Kirk. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Museum of Edinburgh in heritage buildings on Royal Mile around Bakehouse Close. Edinburgh, Scotland.  | Carved building with archway to Sugarhouse Close off Canongate St. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Inscriptions on facade of Museum of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Entrance gate to Canongate Manse on Reid's Court. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Heritage public school building (1886) on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Heritage public school building (1886) on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Heritage buildings near Canongate on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Heritage gables (1591) near Canongate on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Heritage buildings (1677) near Canongate on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Carved plaque with angels (1677) on heritage building near Canongate on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Yellow heritage house behind gate with pyramidal post near Canongate on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Heritage gate with pyramidal posts near Canongate on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Entrance of Scottish Parliament (2004). Edinburgh, Scotland. Style: Post-modern. Architect: Enric Miralles.  | Sidewalk level of Royal Mile facade of Scottish Parliament. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Holyrood Palace which incorporates tower (left) (1528), neoclassical extension (1670s) & features from restorations under Queen Victoria. Edinburgh, Scotland.  |
Fountain installed at Holyrood Palace at request of Queen Victoria modeled on one at Linlithgow. Edinburgh, Scotland. |