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National Museum of the Pacific War building with submarine conning tower in waves of grass & stone. Fredericksburg, TX. | Outline of a WWII submarine in wavy landscape at George H.W. Bush Gallery building of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Conning tower of USS Pintado (1943) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Naval guns at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Naval guns at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Torpedo launcher at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Architecture of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Early 1900s history gallery at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Japanese chest brought home by crewman of Commodore Matthew Perry's mission to open Japan at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Uniform & objects from Spanish-American War at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Powder canister from USS Maine which exploded & triggered Spanish-American War at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Teddy Roosevelt for President postcard at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Stereograph (1908) of Great White Fleet's visit to Australia (Military review) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Stereograph (1908) of Great White Fleet's visit to Australia (crowds waiting for sailors) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Portrait of Japanese Admiral Heihachiro Togo (1848-1934) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Postcard (1905) of Japanese Admiral Heihachiro Togo on bridge of Mikasa during Battle of Tsushima in Russo-Japanese War at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Bubblegum cards depicting Japanese attack on river gunboat USS Panay (Dec. 12, 1937) on Yangtze River in China at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Bubblegum card depicting Japanese attack on HMS Ladybird (1937) on Yangtze River in China at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese midget sub Ha19 which grounded near Pearl Harbor (Dec., 1941) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Propellers of Japanese midget sub Ha19 which participated in Pearl Harbor attack at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Model of USS Tennessee BB-43 which fought in WWII at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Fixtures salvaged from USS Oklahoma sunk at Pearl Harbor at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Pearl Harbor news in Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Dec. 10, 1941) & Civil Defense club & armband at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese war newspaper (Jan. 1, 1942) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Scarf commemorating attack on Pearl Harbor at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Vickers Machine Gun MK I (introduced 1912) used in both World Wars at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Birds carved in an internment camp in WWII at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Story of WWII Internment of Japanese Americans at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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B-25 (like ones used for Doolittle's raid on Japan) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Flight jacket used on Doolittle's B-25 (plane 15) raid on Japan at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Pistol (plane 12) & combat knife (plane 8) both used on Doolittle's B-25 raid on Japan at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Admiral Nimitz objects including his CINCPAC office intercom, his collar insignia, & a bubblegum commemorative card at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Artifacts from several WWII American Naval Commanders at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | USS Enterprise patch for "Galloping Ghost" before Japanese attack on Midway Island at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese bugle picked up on Guadalcanal at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese map case & pay book picked up on Guadalcanal at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Wildcat FM-2 fighter designed by Grumman & built by General Motors at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Mosquito with torpedo emblem from PT Boat Base No. 5 on Adak Island at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Australian M3 Stuart tank destroyed by Japanese gun at Buna-Gona in Papua at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | War dog Caeser with trainer Pfc John J. Kloen painted by C. Lee Watts at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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3-inch Japanese gun (1921) used at Buna-Gona in Papua at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Australian machine gun & allied equipment used in WWII on New Guinea at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Australian army bush hat & mess kit used in WWII on New Guinea at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Photo log book of USS Juneau Light Cruiser at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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WWII Blue star banner hung on family door with star for each service member from family at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Two star banner flown by families with two servicemen at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese triple-barrel gun (1936) used on Tarawa at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Uniform, helmet & M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle used in invasion of Tarawa at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Japanese objects picked up at battle of Tarawa at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | WWII Jeep at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese canteen at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Burma Road banner at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Leather flight jacket worn by Captain in 20th Air Force over Burma at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Chinese phrase book (1943) used in China-Burma-India campaign at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Colt .45 pistol carried by Flying Tiger "Tex" Hill in WWII at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Flying Tigers helmet & flight jacket worn by "Tex" Hill at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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40mm Bofors anti-aircraft cannon designed in Sweden, made by Chrysler at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | WWII patches collected by female USO volunteer at troop dances at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | USS Johnston under fire at Battle off Samar painting by Pierre de Wispelaere at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Cruiser bridge of USS Denver at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Norden bomb sight at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese "Rex" Float Plane (Kawanishi N1K Kyofu) (1943) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Admiral's Barge restored to appearance of that used by Admiral Nimitz at Pearl Harbor at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Admiral's Barge restored to appearance of that used by Admiral Nimitz at Pearl Harbor at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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WWII Japanese boy's kimono with motifs of Japanese soldiers, armored cars, airplanes & flags at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Thousand-stitch belt wherein Japanese soldier's family & friends would each add a stitch to impart good luck captured in New Guinea at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Ceramic hand grenades & land mine used by Japanese at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese postcard of Osaka captured on Corregidor at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Japanese card showing bombing run at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese naval shoulder badges at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Autographed War Loan poster showing Americans raising flag on Iwo Jima at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Signatures of U.S. marines & sailors who raised flag on Iwo Jima on War Loan poster at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Scoreboard of destroyer USS Hadley which shot down 25 Japanese aircraft (23 in under 2 hours on May 11, 1945 off Okinawa) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | American & Japanese equipment used on Okinawa at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese painted cup & Red Cross medal captured on Okinawa at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Combat Information Center which plotted radar data on warships after 1942 at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Combat Information Center which plotted radar data on warships after 1942 at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | American uniform & items used on Okinawa at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese Army enlisted man's cap captured on Okinawa at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Replica of "Fat Man" atomic bomb dropped by Bock's Car on Nagasaki (Aug. 9, 1945) on at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Pre-bombing aerial photos of Hiroshima at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Ceramics & chop sticks found in Nagasaki after WWII at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Japanese Aichi "Val" D3A2 Dive Bomber at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Model of Battleship Missouri showing arrangement of personnel during Japanese surrender (Sept. 2, 1945) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Admiral Nimitz letter postmarked from Tokyo Bay (Sept. 1, 1945) at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Imperial Japanese Navy plate used during surrender ceremony on USS Missouri at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | U.S. Navy plate used during surrender ceremony on USS Missouri at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Beating of American POW by Japanese camp guards painting by Frank Fujita who was captured on Java at National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Entrance to Pacific Combat Zone an offsite attraction of the National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Antiaircraft gun at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Color coded 16 inch naval gun shells for battleships at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Mark XIV standard WWII submarine Torpedo at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Projector Mark 10 "Hedgehog" antisubmarine weapon of WWII at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | TBM Avenger torpedo bomber at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Torpedo-Boat 309, the only restored Higgins class PT on display in USA at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Torpedoes aboard Torpedo-Boat 309 at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
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Torpedo-Boat 309 at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Rear gun of Torpedo-Boat 309 at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Packard Marine V-12 PT Boat Engine at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. | Battlefield performance area at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |
Battlefield surgical theater in Quonset hut at Pacific Combat Zone of National Museum of the Pacific War. Fredericksburg, TX. |