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English glass posset cups (c1690-1750) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Collection of English glass (18th-19thC) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass liquor barrel (1760-65) prob. by Thomas Betts & Irish glass wine urn (c1785) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass armorial goblets (c1760-70) by William or Mary Beilby of Newcastle upon Tyne & Ewer (1767) possibly by Thomas Betts of London at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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English glass punch bowl engraved with home of Fitzwilliam family (1760) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass armorial goblets (1765) by William or Mary Beilby of Newcastle upon Tyne at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass wineglass (1720-30) & rinser (c1800) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English rinser & stirrup glass to hand wine to person on horseback (c1810) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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English glass child's tea set (c1785) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass basket with sulphides (c1820-30) prob. Falcon Glassworks of Apsley Pellatt of London beside French glass cup & saucer (early 19thC) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English sulphide plaque of Napoleon in cut glass vase (1820-30) by Falcon Glassworks at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Napoleon portrait in English cut glass vase (1820-30) by Falcon Glassworks at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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English glass bottle with sulphide of Shakespeare (c1820-30) by Falcon Glassworks of Apsley Pellatt of London plus two French scent bottles (c1820-40) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass goblets with sulphides of Victoria & Albert (c1840) by Falcon Glassworks of Apsley Pellatt of London at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass replica of Koh-i-Noor Diamond (1851) by Falcon Glassworks of Apsley Pellatt of London exhibited at 1851 London world's fair at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English candelabra on jasperware base (c1785) prob. by Josiah Wedgwood & Sons at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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English candelabrum (c1883) by F&C Osler of Birmingham flanked by pair of Bohemian goblets (2nd half 19thC) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English green chandelier (c1870-90) by F&C Osler of Birmingham at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English lily glass jug (c1850) by Richard Redgrave for W.H., B.&J. Richardson of Wordsley, Stourbridge at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English lily glass bowl with fish & waves (c1890) by Thomas Webb & Sons of Amblecote at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Birth of Venus glass vase (1877) carved by Alphonse Lechevrel of England, Wordsley, Hodgetts, Richardson & Son displayed at Paris World's Fair of 1878 at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Replica of Portland vase (1878) carved by Joseph Locke of England, Wordsley, Hodgetts, Richardson & Son won silver medal at Paris World's Fair of 1878 at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass cameo vase with Cleopatra (c1896) carved by George Woodall for Thomas Webb & Sons of Amblecote at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass cameo plaque with Moorish Bathers (1898) carved by George Woodall for Thomas Webb & Sons of Amblecote at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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English glass cameo plaques (c1890s) most by Thomas Webb & Sons of Amblecote at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Cameo glass in study collection at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English side chair with glass structure (c1860-1900) by F.&C. Osler of Birmingham at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Mosaic glass necklace (c1850-99) from England or Italy at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Collection of glass objects from English Arts & Crafts movement at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass Arts & Crafts decanter & four glasses (1881) by Christopher Dresser at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English glass Arts & Crafts centerpiece (1906) by Harry Powell at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | English Arts & Crafts glass goblets (1861, 1910, 1860) with two flanking ones by Philip Webb at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |