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Thomas Hart Benton Home & Studio State Historic Site (1903) (3616 Belleview Ave.). Kansas City, MO. | Stone wall exterior of Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Stone wall exterior of Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Front door in Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. |
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Entry hall & parlor of Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Fireplace of Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Stained glass window of angels at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Living room fireplace area of Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. |
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Artist mementos on wall of Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Bronze sculpture of Jacques Cartier (1956) by Thomas Hart Benton at his home. Kansas City, MO. | Platter with deer in Indian style by Ted DeGrazia at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Fireplace in stairway spiral at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. |
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Fireplace in stairway spiral at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Dining room at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Kitchen at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Pantry at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. |
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Upstairs library at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Tom Benton's bedroom at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Rita Benton's bedroom at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Benton print over sewing machine at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. |
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Daughter's bedroom at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Son's bedroom at Thomas Hart Benton Home. Kansas City, MO. | Thomas Hart Benton's studio at his Home. Kansas City, MO. | Easel beside stove at Thomas Hart Benton's Studio State Historic Site. Kansas City, MO. |
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Paints & brushes at Thomas Hart Benton's Studio State Historic Site. Kansas City, MO. | Thomas Hart Benton's studies & models in his studio historic site. Kansas City, MO. | Artist Thomas Hart Benton (1889-1975) bust by William J. Williams at Missouri State Capitol. Jefferson City, MO. |