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Capitol Hill lamp stands (1877). Washington, DC. Architect: Frederick Law Olmsted. | Capitol Hill lamp stand (1877). Washington, DC. Architect: Frederick Law Olmsted. | Senate chandelier in Arkansas State Capitol. Little Rock, AR. | Stained-glass skylight of Senate chamber of Arkansas State Capitol. Little Rock, AR. |
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Stained-glass skylight of Senate chamber of Arkansas State Capitol. Little Rock, AR. | Stained-glass skylight & chandelier of House chamber of Arkansas State Capitol. Little Rock, AR. | Bronze seahorse detail on stairwell gas lamp fixtures in California State Capitol. Sacramento, CA. | Chandelier in House chamber of Colorado State Capitol. Denver, CO. |
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Brass chandelier in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | House chandelier in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Chandelier in Georgia State House. Atlanta, GA. | Electric lights & reflector on 'lolani Palace which was electrified in. Honolulu, HI. |
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Chandelier in House chamber of Iowa State Capitol. Des Moines, IA. | Chandelier & ceiling murals in Senate chamber of Iowa State Capitol. Des Moines, IA. | Chandelier in Senate chamber of Iowa State Capitol. Des Moines, IA. | Gas lamp in Senate chamber of Old State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Chandelier in Supreme court in Old State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Brass chandelier in State Capitol. Indianapolis, IN. | Beacon light plus Art Deco Eagle atop Louisiana State Capitol. Baton Rouge, LA. | Lamp in House chamber of Louisiana State Capitol. Baton Rouge, LA. |
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Bronze lamp in Memorial Hall of Louisiana State Capitol. Baton Rouge, LA. | Lampstand at Michigan State Capitol. Lansing, MI. | Lamp in Senate chamber of Michigan State Capitol. Lansing, MI. | Griffins supporting lamp stand at Missouri State Capitol. Jefferson City, MO. |
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Hanging lamp at Missouri State Capitol. Jefferson City, MO. | Lamp globe on Mississippi State Capitol. Jackson, MS. | Newel post & lamp standard in Montana State Capitol. Helena, MT. | Lamp in Unicameral chamber Nebraska State Capitol. Lincoln, NE. |
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Lamp of New Hampshire State House Senate Chamber. Concord, NH. | Lamp & columns over doorway of New Jersey State Capitol. Trenton, NJ. | Chandelier created by Thomas A. Edison in House chamber of New Jersey Capitol. Trenton, NJ. | Detail of Edison's chandelier in House chamber of New Jersey Capitol. Trenton, NJ. |
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Detail of stained glass skylight in Senate chamber of New Jersey Capitol. Trenton, NJ. | Lamp stands of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Lamp of Assembly chamber in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Art Deco lamp in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Lamp stand at Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Lamp fixture in Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Chandelier in House chamber at Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Chandeliers in House chamber at Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. |
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Chandelier in Senate chamber at Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Modern light standard in Atrium of Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Bronze light fixture on annex of Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Marble hallway in annex of Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. |
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Marble stairway in annex of Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Lampstands at entrance to Pennsylvania Capitol. Harrisburg, PA. | Lampstand at entrance to Pennsylvania Capitol. Harrisburg, PA. | Chandelier above Senate desks in Pennsylvania Capitol. Harrisburg, PA. |
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Senate chandeliers in Pennsylvania Capitol. Harrisburg, PA. | Senate Chandelier in Pennsylvania Capitol. Harrisburg, PA. | Lamp stand in Rhode Island State House. Providence, RI. | Lamp in Senate chamber of South Dakota State Capitol. Pierre, SD. |
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Lampstand on State Capitol. Austin, TX. | Bronze lampstand & fountain at Texas State Capitol. Austin, TX. | Lamp stand at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Senate ceiling & chandelier at Vermont State House. Montpelier, VT. |
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Senate chandelier detail of seahorses & Neptune at Vermont State House. Montpelier, VT. | Chandelier in House of Representatives at Vermont State House. Montpelier, VT. | Chandelier of Vermont Governor's Office at Vermont State House. Montpelier, VT. | Interior of dome of Washington State Capitol with 5-ton bronze chandelier by Tiffany Studies. Olympia, WA. |
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5-ton bronze chandelier by Tiffany Studies hangs from Washington State Capitol dome. Olympia, WA. | Details of Tiffany's giant dome chandelier in Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. | Decorative details of Tiffany's dome chandelier in Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. | Eagle decorates Tiffany's dome chandelier in Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. |
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Ring of faces on Tiffany's dome chandelier in Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. | Angels atop Tiffany's dome chandelier in Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. | Bronze lantern designed by Tiffany Studies of New York in Rotunda of Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. | Detail of Tiffany bronze lantern in Rotunda of Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. |
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Hanging lamp with classical figures etched on globe designed by Tiffany Studies in Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. | Tiffany hanging lamp in Rotunda of Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. | Chandelier in Senate chamber of Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. | Bronze lamp near entrance Washington State Capitol. Olympia, WA. |
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Lamp stands of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Light standard in West Virginia State Capitol. Charleston, WV. | Chandelier of Czechoslovakian crystal hanging from dome of West Virginia State Capitol. Charleston, WV. | Light standards in rotunda of West Virginia State Capitol. Charleston, WV. |
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Wall sconces in Senate Chamber of West Virginia State Capitol. Charleston, WV. | Domed ceiling & Czechoslovakian crystal chandelier in Senate Chamber of West Virginia State Capitol. Charleston, WV. | Czechoslovakian crystal chandelier in Senate Chamber of West Virginia State Capitol. Charleston, WV. | Lamp in House chamber of Wyoming State Capitol. Cheyenne, WY. |
Tiffany Chandelier in Legislative Conference Room of Wyoming State Capitol. Cheyenne, WY. |