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Collection of Celtic culture iron swords (800-600 BCE) from Hallstatt, Austria at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture iron & bronze dagger & sheath with cross-shaped hilt (600-550 BCE) from Cookham, Surrey at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture brooches & pins of bronze with beads (500-100 BCE) from England & France at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture bronze fittings from cart burials (300-100 BCE) from England at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Celtic terminal from gold tubular torc (400-250 BCE) from Snettisham, Norfolk at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture iron tire & nave hoop from cart burial wherein wheels were removed & laid flat (300-200 BCE) from east Yorkshire England at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture bronze flagon (c450 BCE) from Basse-Yutz, eastern France inspired by Etruscan & Greek designs at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Detail of Celtic culture bronze flagon (c450 BCE) from Basse-Yutz, eastern France inspired by Etruscan & Greek designs at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Celtic culture gold cape (c1900-1600 BCE) found Mold, Flintshire, Wales at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture bronze convex circular disc of unknown function from Ireland at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture bronze circular shield boss ornamented with repoussé stylized swirls (350-150 BCE) found in Thames near Wandsworth, London at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture sheet bronze shield facing ornamented with raised motifs (400-300 BCE) found in Witham river near Lincoln at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Celtic culture bronze shield with three raised decorative panels inlaid with red glass (350-50 BCE) found near Battersea Bridge in River Thames, London at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Detail of Celtic culture sheet bronze shield facing ornamented with raised motifs (400-300 BCE) found in river Witham near Lincoln at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture horned helmet of riveted sheet bronze with raised decoration (150-50 BCE) found in River Thames, London at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Five gold torcs with cast decorations on end (c75 BCE) by Celtic culture found Ipswich, Suffolk at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Celtic Great Torc weighing over 1kg (c100 BCE) found buried at Snettisham, Norfolk now at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Hoard of Celtic torcs (earlier than 100 BCE) found buried at Snettisham, Norfolk now at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Electrum (natural alloy of gold & silver) Celtic torc weighing over 2kg (100 BCE) found buried at Snettisham, Norfolk now at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Crescentic-shaped bronze plaque (200 BCE-50 BCE) decorated with Celtic or La Tène art design at St Fagans National Museum of History. Cardiff, Wales. |
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Celtic gold twisted spiral at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Celtic culture bronze mirror with engraved textured back (50 BCE - 50 CE) found at Aston, Hertfordshire burial at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture bronze mirror with engraved back (1-60 CE) found at Desborough, Northhamptonshire at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture bronze mirror with engraved back (50 BCE - 70 CE) found at Holcombe, Devon at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Celtic culture bronze inlaid with red glass strap union to join horse harness straps (80-125 CE) found Polden Hill in Somerset at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic culture copper alloy helmet (50-150 CE) found northern Britain at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Christianized Celtic bronze bowl mounts with dolphins framing a cross (6th-7thC) from Faversham, Kent at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic silver disk brooches (late 6thC) from Kent at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Celtic belt fittings for men (6th-7thC) from Kent at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Celtic shield ornaments (6thC) from Kent & Norfolk at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Stone beehive quern used to grind cereal grains with Celtic spiral decoration at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Sarcophagus carved with Celtic knots in Cormac's Chapel at Rock of Cashel. Cashel, Ireland. |
Cashel bell with Celtic cross embossed (9thC) at Rock of Cashel. Cashel, Ireland. |