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Creamware pitcher with print of George Washington (c1810-20) by Herculaneum Pottery of Liverpool, England at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Creamware pottery jug (c1794-6) with bust of George Washington ringed by 15 State names at New Bedford Whaling Museum. New Bedford, MA. | Three-handled pitcher with images of George & Martha Washington at Monument House Museum. Groton, CT. | He in Glory - America in Tears commemorative creamware pitcher to George Washington (c1805) by Herculaneum Pottery Co., Liverpool, England at Mattatuck Museum. Waterbury, CT. |
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Commemorative creamware pitcher with image of George Washington in Glory, America in Tears at Monument House Museum. Groton, CT. | Washington in Glory commemorative creamware pitcher (c1820) by Herculaneum Pottery Co., Liverpool, England at Mattatuck Museum. Waterbury, CT. | Washington in Glory commemorative creamware pitcher (c1800-5) by Herculaneum Pottery Co., Liverpool, England at Mattatuck Museum. Waterbury, CT. | Creamware pitcher with George Washington memorial (1800-10) from Herculaneum Pottery of England at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. |
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English pottery pitcher (c1800) with portrait of George Washington at Reagan Museum. Simi Valley, CA. | Creamware pitcher showing Apotheosis of George Washington (c1800-5) by Herculaneum Pottery at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. | Commemorative pitcher showing Apotheosis of George Washington at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Creamware pitcher showing Apotheosis of George Washington (c1800-5) at Broughton House. Kirkcudbright, Scotland. |
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How Washington humbled your foes, Independence commemorative creamware pitcher (c1805) from Liverpool, England at Mattatuck Museum. Waterbury, CT. | Earthenware commemorative pitcher showing George Washington's monument (1820-40) from Staffordshire, England at Connecticut Historical Society. Hartford, CT. | Pitcher with image of George Washington, made in England (1824) to mark visit of General Lafayette to USA at Federal Hall. New York, NY. | Pitcher with image of George Washington, made in England (1824) to mark visit of General Lafayette to USA at Nixon Library. Yorba Linda, CA. |
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George Washington cup (c1861) in Parian Whiteware with blue by William Bloor at Museum of Ceramics. East Liverpool, OH. | Rockingham-type pitcher (19thC) showing George Washington in Masonic regalia at Bennington Museum. Bennington, VT. | Jug celebrating 100th anniversary (c1876) of American Revolution at LA County Natural History Museum. Los Angeles, CA. | Creamware pottery jug (early 19thC) with United States map at New Bedford Whaling Museum. New Bedford, MA. |
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Earthenware pitcher (c1790) from Staffordshire or Liverpool, England with design of independent American map & George Washington at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Creamware mug with Great Seal of USA (c1796-1800) & pitcher with map of USA (c1790-1810-20) from Liverpool, England at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Ceramic tea pot with image of George Washington at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | George & Martha Washington Toby mugs at Museum of Ceramics. East Liverpool, OH. |
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John Adams, President of the United States commemorative creamware pitcher (c1810) from Liverpool, England at Mattatuck Museum. Waterbury, CT. | President Thomas Jefferson commemorative creamware pitcher (1801) by Herculaneum Pottery Co., Liverpool, England at Mattatuck Museum. Waterbury, CT. | O Liberty Thou Goddess!, President Thomas Jefferson commemorative creamware pitcher (c1805) by Herculaneum Pottery Co., Liverpool, England with at Mattatuck Museum. Waterbury, CT. | James Madison (sic), President of the United States ceramic pitcher (c1809) National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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William Henry Harrison Our Country's Hope campaign pitcher (1840) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | W.H. Harrison, the Ohio Farmer commemorative earthenware pitcher (c1840) by American Pottery Co., Jersey City, NJ at Buffalo History Museum (BECHS). Buffalo, NY. | Benjamin Harrison & Levi P. Morton campaign pitcher (1888) at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Benjamin Harrison commemorative ceramic pitcher (1888) at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. |
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James A. Garfield Rockingham pitcher (c1880) attrib. Croxall & Sons Pottery at Museum of Ceramics. East Liverpool, OH. | Rookwood pottery pitcher with face of assassinated President James A. Garfield at Garfield NHS. Mentor, OH. | Creamware pitchers in remembrance of assassinated President James A. Garfield at Garfield NHS. Mentor, OH. | Grover Cleveland ironstone pitcher (1884-90) by George Morley & Sons Pottery at Museum of Ceramics. East Liverpool, OH. |