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Limestone stela of Sobkhotpe (18th Dynasty - c1400 BCE) at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Ancient Egyptian stele of Hahat (c640-30 BCE) at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. | Painted wooden funerary stela from Egypt (750-525 BCE) late 3rd intermediate period at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Painted wooden funerary stela from Egypt (750-525 BCE) late 3rd intermediate period at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Egyptian stela of woman Takhenemet (c775-653 BCE / Dynasty 25) probably from Thebes at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Detail of Egyptian cartonnage of Nespanetjerenpare (c975-718 BCE / Dynasty 22) possibly from Thebes at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Egyptian funerary stele of house-mistress Udjarenes (664-610 BCE) of pigment & plaster on wood at Seattle Art Museum. Seattle, WA. | Sandstone wall relief of goddess Mut (Ptolemaic period - c305-30 BCE) at Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. San Jose, CA. |
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Egyptian relief (3rdC BCE) depicting man sacrificing bull & people carrying baskets of bread at Museum of Bread and Art. Ulm, Germany. | Ancient Egyptian stele of Amenhotep (1304-1290 BCE) at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. | False door of Henuti in limestone (Dynasty 6 - c2345-2181 BCE) at Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. San Jose, CA. | Limestone funerary stele of priest of Hathor (Ptolemaic period - c305-30 BCE) at Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. San Jose, CA. |
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Stela of nomarch Sobeki of limestone (12th Dynasty - c1900 BCE) from Abydos at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Stela of Standard Bearer & Chief of Mercenaries Usi of limestone (18th Dynasty - c1380 BCE) from Memphis at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Stela of Hereditary Prince Sobeknakht of alabaster (18th Dynasty - c1380 BCE) from Amarna? at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Tomb relief of deceased seated with his wife before offering table of limestone (18th Dynasty - c1320 BCE) from Saqqara at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. |
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Cattle butchering scene relief on limestone (5-6th Dynasty - c2300 BCE) from Saqqara at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. | Egyptian funerary stela of Maaty & Dedwi, husband & wife (c2170-2008 BCE / Dynasty 7-11) probably from Naga ed-Deir at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Egyptian painted limestone royal offering bearer (c2008-1957 BCE / Dynasty 11) probably from Deir el Bahri at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Ancient Egyptian relief of Cheti (2000 BCE) at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. |
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Priest Pentcheny worships Osiris Egyptian stella (c1450 BCE - 18th Dynasty) at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Egyptian limestone scene of feeding calves (c1352-1336 BCE / Dynasty 18) originally from Amarna at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Egyptian limestone scene of antelopes (c1352-1336 BCE / Dynasty 18) originally from Amarna at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Reconstructed painting of Nebamun hunting birds with wife Hathepsut in marshes of Nile (18th Dynasty - c1350 BCE) from his tomb, Thebes at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Wall painting of Nebamun counting his cattle (18th Dynasty - c1350 BCE) from his tomb, Thebes at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Egyptian relief of Amun, Ahmose-Nefertari, & King Amunhotep I (c1292-1190 BCE / Dynasty 19) from Deir el-Medina of Thebes at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Egyptian relief of Ramesses II (c1279-1213 BCE / Dynasty 19) probably from Abydos at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Relief of seated Nyankhnesut (2311-2281 BCE) Egyptian late Old Kingdom, Late Dynasty 6 from Saqqara at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. |
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Egyptian stone altar relief of Akhenaten, Nefertiti & three of their daughters (c1350 BCE) (New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty) at Neues Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Egyptian painted stone relief of royal couple in garden (c1335 BCE) (New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty) from Amarna at Neues Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Egyptian painted stone relief of king Seti I in front of god Osiris (c1290 BCE) (New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty) from Thebes West at Neues Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Limestone tomb relief of Chief Physician Amenhotep & Family (1279-1257 BCE) Egyptian New Kingdom, Dynasty 19 from Asyut at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. |
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Egyptian stucco painting of deified queen Ahmoe-Nofretari (1152-1145 BCE) (New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty) from Thebes at Neues Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Egyptian stucco painting of deified pharaoh Amenhotep I (1152-1145 BCE) (New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty) from Thebes at Neues Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Limestone relief of seated couple: Mentuemhat's Ancestors (667-647 BCE) Egyptian New Kingdom, Dynasty 25-26 from Thebes at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. | Limestone relief of Man Trussing an Ox (667-647 BCE) Egyptian New Kingdom, Dynasty 25-26 from Thebes at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. |
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Selection from the Egyptian collection of Seattle Art Museum. Seattle, WA. | Egyptian painted plaster fragment of palace floor (c1350 BCE) (New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty) from Amarna at Neues Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Detail of duck on Egyptian painted plaster fragment of palace floor (c1350 BCE) (New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty) from Amarna at Neues Museum. Berlin, Germany. |