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Antikensammlungen (1838-45) (at Konigsplatz). Munich, Germany. Architect: Georg Friedrich Ziebland. | Pediment carvings of Antikensammlungen (1838-45) depict various arts. Munich, Germany. | Gallery of ancient Greek decorative art at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Cyprian terracotta molded pouring vessels in shape of bulls (14th-13thC BCE) from Cyprus at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Greek terracotta krater with bulls & pokal with sea creature (1400-1300 BCE) from Mycenae at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta pyxis with four horses (750-700 BCE) from Athens Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta oil flask in shape of owl (c630 BCE) from Corinth at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta vessel in shape of sandaled foot (c575-550 BCE) from Rhodes at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Greek terracotta plate with winged Sphinx (c575-550 BCE) from Eastern Greece at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta plate with duck design (c575-550 BCE) from Eastern Greece at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta Kantharos wine cup with face design (c540-530 BCE) from Eastern Greece at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta black-figure amphoras with horses (c575-525 BCE) from Corinth at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Etruscan terracotta black-figure knob handled cup with Dionysus & satyrs (c550 BCE) from Vulci in at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta black-figure plate with Gorgon Medusa (c560 BCE) by Lydos of Attica at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta black-figure drinking cup with Dionysus on a Boat surrounded by Porpoises (c540-530 BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Outside of Greek terracotta black-figure drinking cup with Dionysus showing warriors (c540-530 BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Greek terracotta red-figure drinking cup with Apollo & three footed stand of Delphi (c520 BCE) by Phintias at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta red-figure Hydria with music students & teacher (c510 BCE) by Phintias at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta white-background drinking cup with Maenad & leopard & snake coiled in hair (c490-480 BCE) by Brygos-painter at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta wine vessel with face of woman on one side & face of an African on the other (c490-480 BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Greek terracotta red-figure drinking vessel in form of head of Satyr (c440 BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta red-figure wine bucket with lyre players (c470 BCE) by Brygos-painter at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta red-figure wine bucket with Dionysus & Maenads (c470 BCE) by Brygos-painter at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Scale model of ancient Delphi at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Greek terracotta heads of two men (c480-460 BCE) from Taranto, Italy at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta statue of birth of Aphrodite (3rdC BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek & Roman oil lamps (5thC BCE-3rdC CE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Roman oil lamp with dolphin symbol of sea god (1st-2ndC CE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Corinthian bronze helmet (6th-5thC BCE) from Greece at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Phrygian bronze helmet (4thC BCE) from Greece at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Bronze pilos helmet (4thC BCE) from Lower Italy at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek ornamental handle parts (5th-4thC BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Metal standing mirror in form of Aphrodite with sirens & bird-like creatures (c540 BCE) from Laconia, Greece at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Silver medallions (4th-2ndC BCE) from Greece & Iran at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek bronze statue of wrestlers (2ndC BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Bronze bed fittings in form of elephant (1stC BCE) probably Greek at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Greek bronze inkwell with handle in shape of Dionysus (2nd half 1stC BCE) from grave at Meroë, Sudan Nile at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Roman metal statue of discus thrower (2nd-3rdC CE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Gold & precious stone diadem (250-150 BCE) from the Black Sea now the Ukraine at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek or Italian gold jewelry (5th-4thC BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Form-blown glass perfume flasks (1stC CE) from Eastern Mediterranean at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Roman glass cage cup (4th C CE) from Cologne, Germany at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Mosaic glass & cameo glass (1st-4th C CE) from Eastern Mediterranean at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Mummy portrait painted on wood (c140 CE) from Hawara, Egypt at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |