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Frauenkirche cathedral (1468-88 atop 12thC predecessor) with Renaissance domes (1524). Munich, Germany. Style: Gothic. Architect: Jörg von Halsbach. | Renaissance domes (1524) on octagonal Gothic towers (1488) of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Inspection of dome of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Renaissance dome (1524) on octagonal Gothic tower (1488) of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. |
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Sundial on side facade over Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Roof details of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Southern side door with sundial & monument plaques of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Restored tombstones on southern facade of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. |
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Tombstone with skulls & crossbones mounted on wall of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Gothic arches defining Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Gothic interior of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | High altar of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. |
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Organ of Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Wall with carved saints over statues of bishops at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Panels painted with saints (c1500) at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Carvings of Sts Christopher & George + others at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. |
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Carved stone tomb memorial (1576) with skeleton & hour glass at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern stained glass window at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern stained glass window features lesser-known bishop saints at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern stained glass window features nativity scenes at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. |
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Modern stained glass window features St Sebastian shot with arrows at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern stained glass window features martyred saints at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern stained glass window features creation story at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern stained glass window at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. |
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Kaiser Ludwig IV of Bavaria (1282-1347) cenotaph at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. | Kaiser Ludwig IV of Bavaria (1282-1347) cenotaph at Frauenkirche. Munich, Germany. |