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Trier Archaeological Museum (Rheinisches Landesmuseum) contains a very large collection of artifacts from Roman antiquity as well as items from pre-Roman times to the Baroque period. Trier, Germany. | Human figures above entrance to Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Foot from colossal statue of Emperor Constantine (replica) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Ground floor & courtyard of Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Exhibit space at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Reliefs & statues at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Two etched pottery round-bottomed bowls (5200-4800 BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Etched pottery round-bottomed bowls & cup (5200-4800 BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Stone arrow heads (5200-800 BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Hoard findings (1600 BCE) including bronze & gold jewelry & short sword at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Bronze collar (6thC BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Bronze & iron urn from Italy (6thC BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Foreign bronze pitcher & basin (4thC BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Bronze cup & clasp pins (4thC BCE) found in girl's grave at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Etruscan pitcher with human figure handle & Etruscan sieve spoon (4thC BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Horse's leather face cover replica holding original coral, bronze & iron ornaments (4thC BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Gold arm & finger rings + bronze decorative pin with face (4thC BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Gold decorative plaques (4thC BCE) once on a drinking horn at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Gold necklace (copy of 4thC BCE original) with bird of prey & leaf pattern found in local grave at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Grave goods including pendants & rings (2nd & 1stC BCE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Egyptian mosaic glass with Ibis (1stC BCE to 1stC CE) found near Mosel River at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman blue-gray ribbed glass bowl (80-90 CE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman ribbed glass bowls (1stC) in various shades at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Small Roman glass flasks (1st & early 2ndC) for cosmetics & fragrant oils at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Roman cage glass beaker (1st half of 4thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman glass beakers with imitation stone inclusions (4thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman glass vessels with various forms of decoration (4thC) found in Trier at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman cut glass chalice (4thC) found in Trier at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Roman glass chalice with four handles (4thC) found in Trier at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman glass pitchers with applied decoration (4thC) found in Trier at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman floor mosaics & wall painting collection (c2ndC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman wall painting with scene of Jason & Medea (1st half 2ndC) restored from Trier Caesar's Palace at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Roman mosaic floor of flowers around head of Medusa (c100-150) from Trier palace complex at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman floor mosaic of nine Muses (mid 3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Muses Roman floor mosaic panel of Calliope (epic poetry) (mid 3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Muses Roman floor mosaic panels of Terpsichore (dance) & Calliope (epic poetry) (mid 3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Copy of Roman floor mosaic medallion of horse & dog (early 3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Fragment of Roman floor mosaic of bear seeking fruit (3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Fragment of Roman floor mosaic of lion attacking bull (early 3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Detail of Roman floor mosaic of philosophers (mid 3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Fragment of Roman floor mosaic of two fighters in arena (early 4thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Covered silver pitcher engraved with 12 Apostles (early 5thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Covered silver pitcher engraved with 12 Apostles (early 5thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Germanic 3-layer comb made of bone reinforced by two outer layers plus cover, decorated with animal head carvings (early 5thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Roman bronze decorated bucket (2nd-3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman bronze ornamental offering in shape of ship (2nd half 2ndC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman era portrait head collection at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Carved portrait heads of Thucydides, Demosthenes, Socrates & Menander (2nd half 4thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Copy of 2ndC portrait bust of Caesar Septimius Severus at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Map of Roman roads of Germany at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Map of Roman roads of Europe at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Grave stone carved with horse-drawn chariot on Roman Road (early 3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Roman carved relief (2ndC) of horse pushing a mowing machine for harvesting grain at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman era bronze figurine of man in hooded coat (3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Wall painting of typical Roman house with arcade plus local dress on figures including hooded coat (2ndC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Gallo-Roman sandstone figurine of bearded patron god (end 3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Roman ceramic oil lamps (1stC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman ceramic grave goods made to look like marble (c10-75 CE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Carved stone griffin once a guardian of a Roman tomb (late 1stC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Gallery of Roman era carvings at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Renaissance style archway at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Model of Roman era Trier viewed with Porta Nigra at bottom in Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Model of Roman era Trier detail of hippodrome in Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Ceramic vessels in form of grotesque caricature heads (3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Ceramic vessels in form of grotesque caricature heads (3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Ceramic vessel with sculpted human face serving as bottle neck (c3rdC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Ceramic wine jug with painted face & Latin saying 'Drink & Use Happily' exported from Trier to Roman empire (c300 CE) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman coins with portraits of Caesars at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Roman coins with portraits of Caesars at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Trier hoard of 2,600 gold coins (dating from 63-196 CE) discovered in a bronze barrel in 1993 now at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Roman silver spoons (3rd-5thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Silver busts of two women (late 4thC) were dated by hairstyle at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Grave gold disk broaches with glass inlays (7thC) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Glass Humpen painted with imperial eagle (1650) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Glass Humpen painted with images of Kaiser & Electors (c1600) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | German & Bohemian glass engraved with armorial crests (c1720 & 1760) at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. |
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Stoneware jug painted with arms (c1700) from Westerwald at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | German gold platter (1732) from Augsburg? & beaker from Trier Cathedral (1715) both decorated with medallions at Trier Archaeological Museum. Trier, Germany. | Imperial Roman Baths (Kaiserthermen) (4thC). Trier, Germany. |