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Wallraf-Richartz Museum (2001) decorated with names of featured artists. Köln, Germany. Architect: Oswald Mathias Ungers. | Enthroned Madonna with Christ Child painting (1250-60) from Lucca at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Christ as Man of Sorrows painting (4th quarter of 15thC) with symbols of crucifixion from Umbria at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Two panels of Triptych of Virgin Mary painting (c1300) Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Saints John the Evangelist & Paul paintings (c1300) two wings of altarpiece from Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Diptych with Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand paintings (c1325-30) from Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Scenes from Divine Plan of Salvation painting (c1370-80) from Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Triptych of Madonna with Sweet Pea Flower flanked by Sts Catharine & Barbara paintings (c1395-1415) by Master of St Veronica in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand painting (c1400-20) by Master of the Small Passion in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Legend of St Anthony Abbas painting (c1410-15) by Master of the Small Passion in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Christ on the Cross, between Saints painting (c1415) by Master of St Veronica & Master from St Laurenz in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Large Calvary painting (c1415-20) by Westfalian Master in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Small Passion: Parts of a Triptych Paintings (c1415-20) by Master of the Small Passion at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Mount Calvary of the Wasservass Family painting (early 15thC) by Meister des Wasservass'schen Kalvarienbergs in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Christ on the Cross between Mary & John sculpture & painting (1425-35) in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Vera Ikon (true icon in Latin, words which evolved into St Veronica's name) painting (c1420) attrib Meister von St Laurenz in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Virgin in the Garden of Paradise painting (1420) by Meister von St Laurenz in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Christ as Man of Sorrows, St Francis & two Donors painting (c1420) by Meister der Lindauer Beweinung at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Life & Passion of Christ in 31 Scenes painting (c1430-35) by Meister der Passionsfolgen in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | 15 scenes from Life & Passion of Christ painting (c1430-35) by Meister der Passionsfolgen in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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15 scenes from Life & Passion of Christ painting (c1430-35) by Meister der Passionsfolgen in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | The Last Judgment painting (c1435) by Stefan Locher at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Detail with St Peter of The Last Judgment painting (c1435) by Stefan Locher at Wallraf-Richartz Museum at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Detail with the wicked being dragged into Hell of The Last Judgment painting (c1435) by Stefan Locher at Wallraf-Richartz Museum at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Detail of wicked condemned to Hell of The Last Judgment painting (c1435) by Stefan Locher at Wallraf-Richartz Museum at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Detail of wicked being tormented by devils of The Last Judgment painting (c1435) by Stefan Locher at Wallraf-Richartz Museum at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Details of wicked being dragged to Hell by a chain of The Last Judgment painting (c1435) by Stefan Lochner at Wallraf-Richartz Museum at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Sts. Ambrose, Cecilia & Augustine with Donor painting (c1445-50) by Stefan Lochner at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Sts. Mark, Barbara & Luke painting (1445-50) by Stefan Lochner at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Detail of multi-colored lion representing St Mark from Sts Mark, Barbara & Luke painting (1445-50) by Stefan Lochner at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Detail of multi-colored bull representing St Luke from Sts Mark, Barbara & Luke painting (1445-50) by Stefan Lochner at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | The Pharaoh's Dream painting (last half 15thC) by Rossini aka Pellegrino di Mariano at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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The Vision of Evangelist John painting (c1450) by Meister der Johannes-Vision in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Devotional picture with 12 Scenes of the Life of Christ painting (c1450-60) from Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Four panels from two wings of triptych painting depicting Passion of Christ originally on the high altar of Köln's Carthusian Church of St Barbara by Meister der Lyversberg-Passion at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Four panels from two wings of triptych painting depicting Passion of Christ originally on the high altar of Köln's Carthusian Church of St Barbara by Meister der Lyversberg-Passion at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Coronation of Mary with 24 Elders painting (1450-75) with theme taken from Book of Revelation at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Detail of Lion & Bull representing Evangelists Mark & Luke from Coronation of Mary with 24 Elders painting (1450-75) at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | The Martyrdom of St Sebastian painting (c1475) from inner wing of triptych at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Sts. Catherine, Barbara & Donors paintings (c1475-80) forming wings of triptych by Meister der Georgslegende in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Sts. Clare, Bernard, Bonaventure & Francis painting (c1480) with Köln in the background by Meister der Verherrlichung Mariae in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | St Anne, Virgin & Christ Child with Sts Christopher, Gereon & Peter painting (c1480) with Köln in the background by Meister der Verherrlichung Mariae in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Medieval Köln in background of painting of saints (c1480) by Meister der Verherrlichung Mariae at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Panels from Polyptych (c1485) by Meister der Georgslegende and Workshop in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Sts. Odilia von Hohenburg & Apollonia von Alexandrien with their symbols painting (c1480-90) Franconian at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | The Last Judgment painting (c1488) by Meister von St Severin and Workshop in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Martyrdom of St Cordula painting (c1490-1500) from Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Panels telling the story of the life of St Ursula originally on the inside of lids of relic caskets at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Scenes from the Legend of St Ursula painting (c1492-96) at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | The Holy Family at Table painting (c1495-1500) with symbols of the life of Christ by Jacob Jansz at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | The Damned, fragment of a Last Judgment painting (1500-10) by Colijn de Coter at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Triptych centerpiece with Death of Mary painting (1515) by Joos van Cleve, Antwerp at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Triptych left wing with male worshippers of Death of Mary painting (1515) by Joos van Cleve, Antwerp at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Triptych right wing with female worshippers of Death of Mary painting (1515) by Joos van Cleve, Antwerp at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | St Anthony Tormented by Demons painting (c1520) from Oberrheim at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Lamentation of Christ painting (c1575) by Jacopo Tintoretto & studio at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |