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Cathedral (13thC) as seen along rue Mercière. Strasbourg, France. | Cathedral west front added in 13th c to 1176 red sandstone church plus spire (1399-1439). Strasbourg, France. Style: Gothic. | Intricate Gothic carvings by Erwin von Steinbach over central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Virgin & child with two lions over central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |
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Saints & angels over central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Saints & angels over central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Outside of rose window over central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Three portals & lace-like covering of west facade of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |
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Crucifixion carvings over central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Saints, apostles & evangelists to right of central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Saints, apostles & evangelists to left of central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Saint crucified upside-down to left of central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |
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Overview of left door of Cathedral covering birth of Christ. Strasbourg, France. | Detail of flight into Egypt of left door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Foolish virgins holding their lamps upside-down flanking left door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Wise virgins holding their lamps upright at left door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |
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Kings, bishops & rich being sent to hell over right door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Bronze panel of central door of Cathedral showing Stes Margaret (with dragon), Agnes (with lamb), Catherine of Alexandria (with wheel of torture), Mary at the annunciation. Strasbourg, France. | Bronze panel of central door of Cathedral showing Christ, Peter (with keys), Paul (with sword) & archangel Michael. Strasbourg, France. | South side of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |
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Clock & rose windows of south side of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Horse gargoyle on Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Gargoyle on Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Lion gargoyle on Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |
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Ram gargoyle on Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Cathedral tower (1399-1439) is 142m of open latticework. Strasbourg, France. | Organ in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Gothic pulpit in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |
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Stained glass portraits of kings in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Detailed stained glass portraits of Devicus Rex in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Stained glass portraits of kings in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Stained glass portraits of kings & knights in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |
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Stained glass entry of Christ into Jerusalem in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Stained glass nativity scenes in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Rose window in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Detail of rose window in Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. |