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Old Arkansas State House (1833-1845). Little Rock, AR. Style: Greek Revival. Architect: George Weigart & Gideon Shryock. On National Register. | Iron gates of Old Arkansas State House. Little Rock, AR. | Old Arkansas State House now the state museum. Little Rock, AR. | Old State House Fountain was displayed at 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition was cast in Alabama out of Civil War cannons. Little Rock, AR. |
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Seal of Arkansas on Old State House. Little Rock, AR. | Neoclassical details of Old State House. Little Rock, AR. | Rotunda of Old State House. Little Rock, AR. | Staircase of Old State House. Little Rock, AR. |
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House of Representatives chamber (1836) in Old State House. Little Rock, AR. | House of Representatives desks & chairs in Old State House. Little Rock, AR. | Antique map of Arkansas in House of Representatives chamber in Old State House. Little Rock, AR. | Legislative Chamber enlarged in 1885 in Old State House. Little Rock, AR. |
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Colonial period room in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Armoire in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Civil War era room in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Seal of the Confederate States of America showing George Washington in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. |
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Bronze bust of Thomas Jefferson (c1937) in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Faubus for President campaign button in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Faubus for Governor & Winthrop Rockefeller campaign buttons in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Al Smith & Joe Robinson Presidential campaign buttons in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. |
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New York World's Fair key in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Arkansas Governor's mansion china in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Apple blossom china from Arkansas Governor's mansion in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Portrait of Hillary Clinton (1983) by Josephine. AR. |
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President Bill Clinton's campaign buttons in Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR.  | Bowie knife (c1848), an Arkansas invention, at Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Medical Instruments from Mexican American War era (1846-8) at Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR. | Clay seated male figure (c1000-1100 CE) from Cahokia Spiro Mound near St. Louis at Old State House Museum. Little Rock, AR.  |