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Huntington Museum of Art (1952) (2033 McCoy Rd.). Huntington, WV.  | C. Fred Edwards Conservatory (1996) at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Sculpture on grounds of Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Courtyard of Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Double Bride's Basket (c1905) by New Martinsville Glass Mfg. Co., WV in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Whimsy powder horn (1860-70), covered sugar dishes (mid-19thC), Witch Ball (1845-60) & syrup decanter (1850-70) from the Ohio River Valley in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Octagonal Ohio River Steamer pressed lacy lead glass plates (c1830-1835) in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Footed blown lead glass bowl with cobalt blue applied glass lip (c1820-30) from Pittsburgh, PA in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Covered press lead glass bowls & open compote on stem (c1850's) by Curling, Robertson & Co., Fort Pitt Glass Works, Pittsburgh, PA in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Pressed lead glass milk pitcher (c1855-65) by Boston & Sandwich Glass Co., Boston, MA in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Pressed lead glass candlesticks (c1865-75) from Pittsburgh, PA in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Two Band pattern covered sugar & creamer (c1880) in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Jumbo pattern spoon rack (1884) by David Barker of Canton Glass Co., Canton, OH in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Terrestrial Globe pattern covered compote (1886) by O'Hara Glass Co., Pittsburgh, PA in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Stove pattern butter dish (late 1870's) by Bryce Brothers, Pittsburgh, PA in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Log Cabin pattern covered pickle dishes & covered compote (c1875-80) by Central Glass Co., Wheeling, WV in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Blue alabaster "Wedding" lamp (c1870) by Ripley & Co., Pittsburgh, PA in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Dishes with "Bows & Blossom" and "Ribbons & Overlapping Squares" patterns and Bon Bon dish with "Grape Frieze" pattern (c1906) by Northwood Glass Co., Wheeling, WV in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Pressed glass humidor (c1904-13) by Fostoria Glass Co., Moundsville, WV in glass gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Pressed glass display (c1890's) by Huntington Glass Co. at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Pressed purple slag opaque soda lime glass water pitcher (1886) by Challinor Taylor & Co., Pittsburgh, PA at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass Bride's Bowl On Stand (c1905-10) by New Martinsville Glass Mfg. Co., Martinsville, WV at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass Bowl (c1910-14) with "Petal & Fans" pattern & deep iridescent finish, Dugan Glass Co., Indiana, PA at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass Celery dish (1889) with Maize pattern, Libbey Glass Co., Toledo, OH at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Glass Dolphin Novelty dish (c1900-3) by Jacob Rosenthal, Indiana Tumbler & Goblet Co., Greentown, IN at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass Bowl In Frame (c1885-90) with "Daisy & Button" pattern, Hobbs, Brockunier & Co., Wheeling, WV at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass ice cream set with "Daisy & Button" pattern (c1886) by Hobbs, Brockunier & Co., Wheeling, WV at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass water pitcher with "Opal Swirl" pattern (c1884-9) by Hobbs, Brockunier & Co., Wheeling, WV at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Group of red to amber shaded glass dishes (c1881-6) by Hobbs, Brockunier & Co., Wheeling, WV at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Wheeling Drape glass Milk Pitcher (c1885-95) at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Decorative glass vase (c1880-1900) at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Group of Amberina glass dishes (1880's) by Mount Washington Glass Co., New Bedford, MA & New England Glass Co., Cambridge, MA at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Royal Flemish glass vase (c1890's) by Guba of Mount Washington Glass Co., New Bedford, MA at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Napoli clear glass vase (1894) painted inside by Albert Steffin of Mount Washington Glass Co., New Bedford, MA at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Glass Punch Bowl & Two Cups (c1908-15) by H. Northwood & Co., Wheeling, WV at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Iridescent glass Float Bowl (c1922-4) by Dugan Glass Co., Indiana, PA at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Iridescent ruby glass bowl by Imperial Glass Co., Bellaire OH at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Pressed "stretch" glass Cheese & Cracker Set (c1925-9) by Imperial Glass Co., Bellaire OH at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Blown lead glass pitcher (c1820-40) by Bakewell, Page & Bakewell, Pittsburgh, PA at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Group of colorless blown lead glass tableware (c1890-1920) at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Black pressed glass creamer & sugar on stand (c1925-1929) by Paden City Glass Co., Paden City, WV at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Group of paper weights & other small glass objects (c1920-30) by Huntington Tumbler Co., Huntington, WV at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Group of free blown glass objects (c1895-1910) by Louis Comfort Tiffany, Long Island, NY at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Group of glass vases & candlesticks (c1924-31) by Vineland Flint Glass Works/Durand Art Glass, Vineland, NJ at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Hand blown blue glass American pitcher at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. | Collection of items in Glass Gallery at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |