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Tea Lane village streetscape at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Interpreter in dress of late 1800s era at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Carpenter gothic revival barge board over door at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Row of buildings with gothic revival barge boards at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Cluan Place at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Victorian postal box at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Corner store (1889) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Antique cans & boxes in corner store at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Leonard McAlinden hardware store at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Antique rotary hand-cranked bellows in hardware store window at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Antique brass oil lamp in hardware store window at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Narrow potato shovels in hardware store window at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Streetscape off Culan Place with Parochial hall (1900) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Gothic revival National School with stone front (1837 & c1900) from Ballycastle on Chapel Lane at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Cast iron hydrant (c1900) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Red fuchsia flowering hedge at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Straid Corn Mill (1852) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Coshkib Hill Farm (1850s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Kitchen fireplace in Coshkib Hill Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Kitchen sideboard with porcelain plates in Coshkib Hill Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Dining table with oil lamp in Coshkib Hill Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Dining table with oil lamp plus sideboard in Coshkib Hill Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Bedroom of Coshkib Hill Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Pitcher & basin on bedroom washstand at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Pile of peat fuel at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Basket & barrows in outbuilding at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Water wheels of Coalisland Spade Mill (1850s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Water wheels of Coalisland Spade Mill (1850s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Machinery in Coalisland Spade Mill (1850s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Examples of narrow potato shovels produced by Coalisland Spade Mill at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Stages of iron pounded into potato shovels produced by Coalisland Spade Mill at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Pig on Corradreenan Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Thatched Corradreenan Farm house (1750s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Farm buildings at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Pierce rolling machine for preparation of potato fields at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Collection of Irish carts at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Irish goat with black & white face at Ulster Folk & Transport Museum. Northern Ireland. | Irish goat with corkscrew horns at Ulster Folk & Transport Museum. Northern Ireland. | Sheep field at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Lambs at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Sheep at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Farm outbuilding with pyramidal stone roof beside thatched Ballyveaghmore farm house (1840s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Goose at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Interior of Ballyveaghmore farm thatched building at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Details of how Ballyveaghmore farm thatching held down by ropes at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Geese at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Ram with coiled horns at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Horses at Drumnahunshin Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Donkeys at Drumnahunshin Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Drumnahunshin Farm (1800s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Dining room in Drumnahunshin Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Dining room fireplace in Drumnahunshin Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Dining room sideboard in Drumnahunshin Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Pressed glass butter dish in Drumnahunshin Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Parlor in Drumnahunshin Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Kitchen in Drumnahunshin Farm at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Small flowers on rock wall at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Hand & Pen Orange Lodge 597 (1840s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Hand & Pen Orange Lodge 597 (1840s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Interior of Hand & Pen Orange Lodge 597 at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Portrait of Orangeman in regalia in Hand & Pen Orange Lodge 597 at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Graphic of King William & other symbols of Orange order in Hand & Pen Orange Lodge 597 at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Bundles of willow rods used in baskets at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Stone schoolhouse at Ulster Folk & Transport Museum. Northern Ireland. |
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Ballydown National School (1865) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Ballydown National School (1865) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Interior of Ballydown National School at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Visiting student sits at teacher's desk in Ballydown National School at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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School children learning how classes were held in times past at Ulster Folk & Transport Museum. Northern Ireland. | Lisrage Forge (1830s) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Blacksmith working in Lisrage Forge at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Blacksmith working in Lisrage Forge at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Ballydugan Weaver's house (1850s replica) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Sideboard rack with blue porcelain in Ballydugan Weaver's house at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Spinning wheel beside bed with quilt in Ballydugan Weaver's house at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Thatched roof buildings (c1859) from Ballyvollen at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Basketmaker's Workshop replica from Ballycultra at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Basketmaker's Workshop wares at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Basketmaker's Workshop baskets at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Woven twig pig in Basketmaker's Workshop at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Ballycultra Post Office (1700s) with sign from 1900s at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Old Rectory (1717) in Ballycultra town at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Baird's Print Shop (replica) at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Market and Court House(c1858) from Cushendall, at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Northern Bank & Bank Manager's House (replica of 1910s) building at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Painted glass door panel in Northern Bank building at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Heritage buildings moved to diamond in Ballycultra town at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Heritage garden recreated at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Church of Ireland (1790) moved from Carnacally, Kilmore, County Down at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Square bell tower of Church of Ireland (1790) from Carnacally at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Stove & box pews (1790s) in Church of Ireland from Carnacally at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Rotary antique water pump at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Steam roller at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Stone crusher machine run by belt from steam engine made by Frederick Parker Viaduct Works of Leicester at Ulster Folk Park. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |