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Hunterian Museum entrance in Randolph Buildings of University of Glasgow. Glasgow, Scotland. | Stairway up to Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Central gallery with Roman collection at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Beamed arched ceiling of central gallery at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Gallery with natural history collection at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Gallery architecture at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Cast iron pillars at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Cast iron double pillar at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Plaster death mask of museum founder William Hunter (before 1870) at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Oak chair with Black Stone dolerite slab upon which University of Glasgow students sat for oral exams as far back as 1451 at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Rear of Blackstone chair which incorporates hourglass to time oral exams up to mid 19th C at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Roman stones found along the Antonine Wall (142 CE) in Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Roman stones found along the Antonine Wall (142 CE) in Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Roman altars found in East Dunbartonshire, Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Roman altar to Jupiter found at Old Kilpatrick Roman Fort, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Roman drain cover found in bath-house in Bothwellhaugh Roman fort at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Roman building records of Roman Legions stone plaques found in Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Roman stone carved with reclining figure of Victory from front of Roman Temple in West Dunbartonshire at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Roman stone carved with dedication to a Caesar found in West Dunbartonshire at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Roman stone carved with Capricorn & Pegasus plus dedication to Emperor Antoninus Augustus Pius found in West Dunbartonshire at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Roman stone carved with Capricorn & Pegasus plus symbol of Emperor Augustus found in West Dunbartonshire at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Roman stone carved with two Victory figures with dedication to Emperor Hadrian found in West Dunbartonshire at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Preserved Roman shoes recovered at Bar Hill fort at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Romano-British ceramic Hunt Cup showing dog chasing hare at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Roman bronze jug (1st-2ndC) found in a river south of Glasgow at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Uniquely Scottish carved stone Neolithic balls of unknown purpose greater than 4000 years old at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | English pewter tankards (c1650-1700) & Scottish pewter mutchkin tavern measure (1700) by John Tait of Edinburgh at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | English pewter bleeding bowl (c1720-50) with measuring lines at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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English ale glass engraved with hops leaf (c1760) & drinking glasses (18thC) with various stems in front of pewter plates at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Scottish silver Quaich (c late 17thC) drinking cup at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Musical instrument, metalware & ceramics collections at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Glass Venetian-style latticino beaker(16-17thC), covered oil or vinegar burette from Spain (17thC) & painted glass sprit flask from Central Europe (18thC) at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Jugs (19thC) by Clyde Pottery of Greenock, Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Mary jugs (late 19thC) by Clyde Pottery of Greenock, Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Glasgow Exhibition jug (1888) by Clyde Pottery of Greenock, Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Indian Cress pottery jug (1870-80) by J & MP Bell Co. of Glasgow + ceramic jug (c1900) by D. Methven & Sons of Kirkcaldy, Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Royal Bowl with Prince of Wales feathers (1863) by Clyde Pottery of Greenock, Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Tam O'Shanter & Souter Johnny plate commemorates Robert Burns story by unknown Scottish potter at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Ceramic bowl with thistle swags & legend "Something tae the bairn" (c1900) possibly by J & MP Bell Co. of Glasgow at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Ceramic bowl with legend "It's a long way to Tipperary" (1914-8) by unknown at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Ceramic bowl with image of Gordon Highlanders (1914-8) by unknown at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Ceramic salt bucket "pig" (c1900) by Cumnock Pottery of Ayrshire, Scotland at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Serpent (19thC) is bass of cornet family of musical instruments at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Chimu culture blackware earthenware vessel with fishermen in boat over Mamacocha (mother goddess) (c1050-1470) from North Coast Peru at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Statue of James Watt at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Wimshurst Electrostatic Generator (c1895) by W.B. Nicolson of Glasgow used two disks rotating in opposite directions to generate high voltage static electricity used to power x-rays at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Joseph Lister's antiseptic carbolic steam spay (1871) at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Joseph Lister's antiseptic copper sterilizer for ligatures (1890) at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Lord Kelvin bronze bust (1896) by Archibald McFarlane Shannan at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Collection of instruments patented by Lord Kelvin & made by Kelvin & James White Ltd. Of Glasgow & London at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Model of Cooke-Wheatstone telegraph (c1880) made by George Mason & Co. of Glasgow which gives readout of signal in alphabetic characters at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Froment's mouse-mill motor (c1849) used to move paper tapes in Kelvin's siphon recorder for telegraphs at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Kelvin's cable galvanometer (mid 1850s) to detect Atlantic cable signals at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Lord Kelvin's electric meter at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Dr. William Hunter's medical specimens collection at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Diseased skull in Dr. William Hunter's medical specimen collection at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Capercaillie specimen, a bird on edge of extinction in Scotland, at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Geology collection at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Crystal display at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. | Colorful minerals at Hunterian Museum. Glasgow, Scotland. |