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Gladstone's Land tenement house in middle with entrance arches (1617) (477b Lawnmarket) on Royal Mile. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Gladstone's Land (1617) tenement house museum run by National Trust for Scotland to showcase 17th century life. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Sculpted hawk on sign for Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Octagonal mirror at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Portrait of Sir Alexander Seton over table & side chairs at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Portrait of Sir Alexander Seton, Baronet (1635-1719) at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Detail of Portrait of Sir Alexander Seton, Baronet (1635-1719) at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Wall-mounted wrought iron candle holder at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Punchbowl painted with British sailing ship at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Graphic of Company of Scotland (1698) a trading company which failed with its attempt to establish colony of Darien in Panama & which has connections to Gladstone's Land. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Kitchen at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Kitchen fireplace at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Armchair & adjustable candle stick in kitchen at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Kitchen utensils including bannock rack with waved grate at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Kitchen table with bowls & tools at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Bone spoons on wooden rack at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Stoneware jugs at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Child walking frame & cradle at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Sideboard with pewter, wood & redware at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Redware platter at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Taper holder in front of pewter plates & flasks at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Internal structure leading to painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Four poster canopy bed (17thC) in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Carved headboard on canopy bed (17thC) in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Gateleg table & carved chairs (17thC) in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Wooden trunk (17thC) in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Carved chair back (17thC) in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Inlaid cabinet (17thC) supporting bible box in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Renaissance painted ceiling in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Renaissance painted ceiling with exotic fruits in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Detail of Renaissance painted ceiling with exotic fruits in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Detail of Renaissance painted ceiling with exotic fruits in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Wall mural in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Fireplace with painted arches in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Porcelain tobacco jar (17thC) in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Portrait of Dame Margaret Lauder (Lady Seton) at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Carved mirror (17thC) in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Pendular wall clock by Thomas Moore of Ipswich at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Chest of drawers in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Georgian room (18thC) with portraits of Graham family at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Fireplace in Georgian room (18thC) at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Portraits of Judge James Graham of Airth, Elizabeth Graham of Airth, & James, 5th Earl of Linlithgow + 4th Earl of Callendar at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Portrait of Lady Henrietta Livingstone by circle of Godfrey Kneller at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Corner chair in Georgian room (18thC) at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Armchair in Georgian room (18thC) at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Painted blue chinaware in Georgian room at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot in Georgian room at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Tin-glazed earthenware flower vase in Georgian room at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Georgian brass candle chandelier at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Hourglass at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Katherine Erskine, Daughter of Sir Charles Erskine of Alva, Wife of Patrick Campbell of Monzie portrait attrib. William Aikman at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Portrait of Admiral Thomas Gordon at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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China export porcelain punch bowl at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | View out rear window of Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |