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Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Regimental Museum at Stirling Castle. Stirling, Scotland. | Padlock once used to lock the entrance door of Stirling Castle in Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver cantled sporran with Campbell of Lochnell at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Civilian highland glengarry cap (c1780-1847) worn by Duncan Campbell of Lochnell at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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Highland kilt (c1780-1847) worn by Duncan Campbell of Lochnell at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Argyllshire plaid brooch (c1865) with names of Peninsula War battles at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Glengarry cap (1854) worn by sergeant David Philips at battle of Alma in Crimea War at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Traveling canteen with silverware & spice boxes (c1795) used by Colonel John MacDougall during capture of the Cape at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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Spode Felspar Dish (1836-42) used by Regiment on St Helena at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Watercolor of Hottentot Warrior & 91st Regiment Private (c1840-50s) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Zulu leather shield from battle of Ginginhlovo (April 1, 1879) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Impi (allied Zulu warriors) during Anglo-Zulu war painting (1884) by G. Robley (officer in 91st Regiment) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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91st Regiment soldiers in wagon during Anglo-Zulu war painting (1884) by G. Robley at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Surgical instruments & case used by regimental surgeon Willam Munro at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver Thin Red Line centerpiece (2007) by Edward Fraser at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver mounted bagpipes played at Balaklava during Crimean War at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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Balaklava, Crimean War flag (1834) of 93rd Sutherland Highlanders at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Crimean, India & other Medals of William Duguid at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Argyll & Sutherland drum (1899) damaged in Boer War at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Model of Boer War Memorial Statue (1907) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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Chocolate box given by Queen Victoria to soldiers in South Africa (1900) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | 91st Battalion Centerpiece (c1906) by Elkington & Co. of Birmingham, bought to commemorate South African War at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Detail of 91st Battalion Centerpiece (c1906) by Elkington & Co. of Birmingham, bought to commemorate South African War at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Detail of 91st Battalion Centerpiece (c1906) by Elkington & Co. of Birmingham, bought to commemorate South African War at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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Ram's head snuff mull with silver mounts (c1864) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Ramshorn snuff mull with silver elephant & castle (c1886) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver tooth pick holder in form of mongoose (1879) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver marmalade pot made for Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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Silver soup tureen (1837) for Sutherland Highlanders made in London at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver wine cooler (1877) presented to Dumbartonshire Rifle Volunteers at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver punch bowl & ladle (1688) made in London presented to Argyllshire Highlanders at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver punch bowl (1905) made for Scottish Regiment in London at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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Silver quaich at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Silver & wood quaich with regimental badge at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Regimental Spode dish (1821-33) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Regimental drum at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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Line Up, Boys! WWI recruiting poster at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | WWI wire cutters used in trench warfare at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | WWI PH (Phenote-Hexamine) gas hood (c1916) at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | WWI trench warfare display with periscope at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |
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WWI trench periscopes & mirrors at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | WWI uniform & revolver at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. | Regimental flags at Stirling Castle Regimental Museum. Stirling, Scotland. |