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East Terrace House (1872-84) (MLK Blvd. at Mill St.) museum run by Historic Waco Foundation. Waco, TX. Style: Victorian Italianate. | East Terrace House Museum (aka Wesley Mann House). Waco, TX. | Italianate tower at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Storm cellar building at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Details of brackets around front door at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Curved staircase in hall at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Entrance office / sitting area at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Stationary rocking chair at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Desk at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Details of writing desk at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Souvenir cups with buildings of Waco, TX made in Germany at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Covered jar painted with ocean scene at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Five-fingered flower vase at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Roll-top desk at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Elk bookends at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Antique Blickensdereer typewriter from Stamford, CT at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Bookcase & armchair at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Side table with silver pitcher & chalice at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Silver pitcher & chalice trophies at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Dining room at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Dining room centerpiece & Havilland china at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Sideboard at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Caster set at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Silver butter dish at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Coffee & chocolate pots at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Dining room chandelier at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Andes cast iron stove at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Andes cast iron stove nameplate at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Kitchen cupboard at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Knickerbocker ice box at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Pie safe with kitchen devices at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Perforated pattern on pie safe at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Salt jar at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Sausage stuffer by Enterprise Mfg. Co. of Philadelphia plus other containers at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Washing machine wringer with drying rack wings at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Parlor at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Settee at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Parlor music room with table, piano & harp at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Parlor table at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Piano by Calenberg & Vaupel Co. of New York at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Parlor fireplace at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Embossed bathtub at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Shaving stand at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Ballroom at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Ballroom fireplace at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Image of a ballroom contemporary with East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Bedroom at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Cradle at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Crazy quilt at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Pull down bed at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Ceiling oil lamp at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Quilt with star pattern at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Blue glass tumbler with white heron image at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Statuette of George Washington (1876) at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Cast iron toy horse-drawn fire engine at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Staircase to tower at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Bedroom at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Luster at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Antique fabrics at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Convertible infants high chair & rocking chair at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |
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Bedroom with quilt at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. | Fireplace with toys at East Terrace House. Waco, TX. |