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Collection of Native American pre-Columbian ceramics at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Collection of Native American pre-Columbian ceramics at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Xochipala-style earthenware standing female figures (1500-1200 BCE) from Guerrero, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware standing female figure (1100-800 BCE) from Tlapacoya or La Bocas, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Earthenware standing female figure (1100-800 BCE) from Morelos or Tlatilco, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Olmec-culture earthenware seated figure (1100-800 BCE) from Tlapacoya, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Chupicuaro-style earthenware female figures (300 BCE - 100 CE) from Guanajuato or Michoacán, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Zapotec-culture earthenware effigy vessel (300-800) from Oaxaca Valley, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Zapotec-culture earthenware effigy funerary urn (500-700) from Oaxaca Valley, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Teotihuacan earthenware effigy jar (250-650) from central Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Teotihuacan earthenware painted dish (250-650) from central Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Teotihuacan earthenware incense burner (400-700) from central Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Teotihuacan earthenware incense burner with warrior lid (450-650) from central Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | El Zapotal style earthenware standing male figure (600-900) from Veracruz, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware tripod bowl with zoomorphic head (900-1200) from northern Veracruz, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Mixtec culture earthenware drinking vessel with serpent handles (1325-1520) perhaps from Cholula or Puebla, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Ameca-Etzatlán style earthenware seated figures (300 BCE - 300 CE) 1st with shield & 2nd as hunchback from Jalisco, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Aztec earthenware pitcher with zoomorphic spout (1428-1521) from central highland, Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Maya Early Classic earthenware serving dish with bird effigy lid (350-500) from Mexico or Petén lowlands, Guatemala at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Maya Late Classic earthenware plate with hieroglyphic text (550-600) from Uaxactun, Guatemala at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Maya Late Classic earthenware cylinder vessel painted with ballgame scene (650-750) from Petén lowlands, Guatemala at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Maya Late Classic earthenware cylinder vessel with spider monkeys (650-750) from Belize or Petén lowlands, Guatemala at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Maya Late Classic earthenware cylinder vessel with palace scene (650-750) from Petén lowlands, Guatemala at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Maya Late Classic earthenware cylinder vessel with carved hunting scene (700-800) from Petén lowlands, Guatemala at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Maya Late Classic earthenware bowl painted with cormorants (700-800) from Ulua-Yojoa region, Honduras at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Maya Early Classic earthenware water bird effigy lidded tripod vessel (400-500) from Guatemala or Mexico at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Costa Rica earthenware jaguar effigy tripod vessel (200-500) from Guanacaste-Nicoya zone at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Costa Rica earthenware standing female figure (800-1100) from Guanacaste-Nicoya zone at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Costa Rica earthenware jaguar effigy tripod vessel with rattle legs (1200-1400) from Nicoya zone at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Costa Rica cast gold figure pendant (700-1550) & gold bead necklace from Costa Rica or Panama (700-1550) at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware seated female figure (500 BCE - 500 CE) from Ecuador at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Quimbaya earthenware seated figure with gold nose ring (1000-1400) from Colombia at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Carchi earthenware seated male figure on bench (1100-1400) from Ecuador at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Chavin culture earthenware whistling bottle with bridge handle (900-100 BCE) from Tembladera, North Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Chavin culture earthenware parrot bottle with double chamber (500-300 BCE) from Salinar peoples, North Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Moche culture earthenware portrait bottle with stirrup spout (100-700) from North Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Moche culture earthenware owl effigy bottle with stirrup spout (100-500) from North Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Chimu culture earthenware macaw effigy bottle with stirrup spout (1000-1470) from North Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Sicán (aka Lambayeque) earthenware whistling bottle with double chambers shaped like thorny oyster & llama with two attendants (800-1100) from North Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Chancay culture earthenware male figure holding cup (1100-1450) from Central Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Wari style portrait head drinking cup (800-1000) from Central Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Nazca culture earthenware vessel with mythical warrior motif (100-300) from South Coast Peru at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |