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Collection of English delftware decorative plates at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough commemorated on English delftware dish (1702-11) at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Britannia Mourning Death of Frederick Prince of Wales porcelain figure (1751) by Charles Gouyn of St. James Porcelain of London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | George I or II commemorated on English delftware dish (1714-35) prob. from Bristol at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Porringer (1673) & porringer or bleeding bowl (1680-1710) both of English delftware from London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Barber basin decorated with barbering tools including face in small mirror on English delftware (1700-20) from London or Bristol at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Posset pot with Chinese figures on English delftware (1700-20) prob. London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Covered posset pot with Chinese figures on English delftware (c early 1700s) at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Posset pot with Chinese figures on English delftware (1687) from Bristol or Brislington at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Covered posset pot with Chinese figures on English delftware (c1680-90) from Lambeth at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Covered posset pot with red, blue & green flowers on English delftware (1700-20) from Bristol or London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fuddling cup of white English delftware (1630-60) from. London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Fuddling cup with blue star on white English delftware (1639) from. London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Puzzle jug commemorating Charles II of English delftware (1660-85) from Bristol or London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Malling jug in dark blue (1575-1620) from Netherlands & purple jug (1625-50) from London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware brown & yellow jug (1687) attrib. George Richardson of Wrotham in Kent at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Shell-shaped sauce boats in silver (1740) from London & porcelain (1755-8) from London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Creamware dessert dish (c1775) from Leeds, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Porcelain dessert table setting (c1796-1805) by Derby around Sevres centerpiece at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Porcelain dessert table setting (c1796-1805) by Derby around Sevres centerpiece at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Porcelain chocolate cup & saucer (c1790-95) by James Banford for Derby at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware bird dish (1690-1710) attrib. Thomas Toft prob. of Staffordshire, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Pearlware transfer punch bowl with 'Success to Wm Pitt - God Save the King' (1738 or 1789) from Staffordshire, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware hounds head stirrup cup (1780-90) from Staffordshire or Yorkshire, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Fritware teapot (c1745-9) & beaker (c1750-2) by Chelsea of London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fritware artichoke tureen with bird handle (c1755) by Chelsea of London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fritware sunflower dish (c1755) by Chelsea of London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fritware rabbit tureen (c1755-6) by Chelsea of London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Fritware platter with 'Hans Sloane' botanical design (c1756) by Chelsea of London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Porcelain dessert plate with bird (c1760-5) by Chelsea of London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Creamware monteith (1770-80) by Wedgwood of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Creamware orange or chestnut basket (c1775-85) by Wedgwood of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Creamware dish with Hellenistic figure (c1780s) by Wedgwood of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Steatitic (soapstone) mug with image of General James Wolfe (c1760-5) by Worcester of England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Steatitic (soapstone) mugs with image of King George II & Queen Charlotte (c1761) by Worcester of England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Steatitic (soapstone) cabbage-leaf jugs (c1768-70) by Worcester of England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Steatitic (soapstone) cabbage-leaf jugs (c1768-70) by Worcester of England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Coffee pots in silver (1737) by Gabriel Sleath of London & steatitic (soapstone) (1753-4) by Worcester of England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Steatitic (soapstone) chocolate cup & saucer (c1768-72) by Worcester of England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Steatitic (soapstone) coffee pot in Scarlet Japan pattern (c1770-5) by Worcester of England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Collection of early Minton bone china (1799-1816) at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china teapot & stand painted with Chinese garden bridge (c1815-6) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china creamer & stand (pattern 18) (c1799) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china teapot & stand (pattern 25) (c1799-1800) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Bone china cup & saucer (pattern 56) (c1800) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china teacup & saucer (pattern 66) (c1800) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china inkstand (pattern 85) (c1800-02) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china teapot & plate (pattern 90) (c1800-02) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Bone china teapot & milk jug (pattern 150) (c1800-02) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china punch bowl (pattern 184) (c1800-02) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china plate in style of Sèvres (c1862) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware tray in Renaissance Revival style (1863) by Sir Coutts Lindsay for Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Stoneware bread dish inscribed 'Waste not - Want not' in Gothic Revival style (c1849-55) by A.W.N, Pugin for Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware Saint-Porchaire style ewer in Renaissance Revival style (c1879) by Charles Toft for Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Display on design trends in Victorian era ceramics at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china bottle vase with scarab beetle in Japonesque style (c1870) by Christopher Dresser for Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Bone china plate in Japonesque style (1876) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china plate in Aesthetic style (1879) by Edmond G. Reuter & Richard W. Pilsbury for Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china teacup & saucer (c1880-89) attrib. Thomas Kirkby for Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bone china plate in Japonesque style (1880) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Earthenware plate in Secessionist style (1902) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware plate in Secessionist style (1903) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware vases in Secessionist style (1902-14) by Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Earthenware 'Sea Maiden' vase in Antique Revival style (c1910) by Walter Crane & William S Mycock for Minton of Stoke-on-Trent, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
Bone china teapot after Chinese original (c1874) by Copeland Spode of, England at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |