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Hall or parlor from European late Medieval urban house (1480-1520) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | European day bed typical of late Medieval urban house (1480-1520) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Cabinet on stand typical of late Medieval urban house (1480-1520) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Table setting typical of late Medieval urban house (1480-1520) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Late 17thC English interior at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | An English parlor (c1750) with card table at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Sheraton-style break-front cabinet with drop-front desk (c1790-1800) from England at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Davenport desk (c1865-85) from Canada or USA at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Tripod wash-stand (c1770) with typical English grooming devices (1700s) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fireplace from English formal room (1750-60) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | English drop-front desk (18thC) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | English tea service & table (18thC) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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English Japanned papier mâche tea tray (1835-60) possibly by Jennens & Bettridge of Birmingham at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Victorian parlor (1860-85) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Gallery of early Canadian furniture at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Wood panels from house near Quebec City (early 18thC) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Panel back armchair (c1675-1725) from Quebec City area at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Pine wardrobe (1740-60) from Quebec at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Rococo butternut chest of drawers (1750-1810) from Montreal area at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Dressing table (c1750-75) probably from Massachusetts, USA at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Louis XV- style armchair (c1770-90) from France or Quebec at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Capuchin-style armchair with caned seat (c1775-1800) probably from Montreal area at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Mahogany chairs from Quebec (c1790-1835) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Windsor chair (c1800-10) from Quebec at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Hooded cradle (c1800-50) from Quebec at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Hepplewhite-style fall-front desk (c1810-15) from Montreal at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Récamier sofa (c1830-45) from Quebec at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Carved dolphin details of Récamier sofa (c1830-45) from Quebec at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Doorway of Beverley House (c1822) from Toronto at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Lady's writing box with view of Montreal (c1855-65) from England at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Collection of early wooden candlesticks at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Carved wooden cellaret topped by beaver (c1880s) probably from Montreal at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Pine chest with English themes (c1880-90) from Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Furniture of Newfoundland at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Mahogany bureau desk (c1800-10) from Saint John, NB at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Mahogany card table (c1825-30) by Thomas Nisbet of Saint John, NB at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Mahogany sofa (c1820-30) by Thomas Nisbet of Saint John, NB at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Chest of drawers (c1820-30) from Saint John, NB at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Mahogany work table (c1830-40) from New Glasgow, NS at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. |