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Cleveland Museum of Natural History (1991) (on University Circle). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Richard H. Kaplan. | Truncated metal conical tower of Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Display of Native American cultures at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Display of Native American cultures at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |
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Ohio mound builders tomb of Adena & Hopewell cultures at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Hopewell culture artifacts (300 BCE-600 CE) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Hopewell culture carved stone parrot (300 BCE-600 CE) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Hopewell culture carved mica snake (300 BCE-600 CE) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |
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Hopewell culture carved mica face (300 BCE-600 CE) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Model of Iroquois long house at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Micmac birchbark box with porcupine quill design (c1895) from Nova Scotia at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Passamaquoddy birchbark box with scratched design (c1850) from Maine at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |
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Seminole man's long shirt (1924) from Florida at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Dakota Sioux Moccasins (c1900) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Aleut covered basket (1800s) from Aleutian Islands at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Inuit bentwood toolbox with ivory fish handle (19thC) from Alaska at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |
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Inuit bentwood hunting hat with ivory birds & walrus (c1897) from Alaska at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Northwest Coast Indian painted spruce root hat (c1923) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Tlingit carved wood raven ladle (c1900) from Alaska at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Tlingit carved wood raven rattle (late 1800s) from Alaska at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |
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Kwakiutl carved wood killer whale mask (c1880) & other Northwest Coast masks from British Columbia at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Tlingit ceremonial thunderbird headdress (late 1800s) from Alaska at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Pomo wedding basket with quail feathers (c1880s) from Northern California at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Maidu flaring feastbowl basket (c1880s) from Northern California at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |
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Hupa woman's basketry hat (c1900) from Northern California at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Model of Zuni Pueblo at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Zuni polychrome jar (c1890s) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Zuni ceremonial terraced rim cloud bowl (c1900) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |
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Cochiti polychrome jar (c1890) & Laguna effigy dog (c1895) from New Mexico at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Hopi Jeddito black on yellow bowl (1350-1600) from Arizona at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Hopi basketry plaques (1900-20) from Arizona at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Kachina dolls (c1930) from Arizona at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |
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Papago coiled basket (c1920) from Arizona at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Nayarit clay female figure (100 BCE-250 CE) from Western Mexico at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Shield masks (early 1900s) from Lower Sepik River of Papua New Guinea at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. |