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Howard M. Metzenbaum U.S. Court House (aka Old Federal Building) (1903-10) (201 Superior Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Style: Beaux Arts. Architect: Arnold W. Brunner. On National Register. | Portals & bronze lamps of Howard M. Metzenbaum U.S. Court House. Cleveland, OH. | Howard M. Metzenbaum U.S. Court House (aka Old Federal Building) seen from Public Square. Cleveland, OH. | Eagles carved atop Cleveland's U.S. Court House (aka Old Federal Building). Cleveland, OH. |
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Jurisprudence statue (1911) by Daniel Chester French on Old Federal Building. Cleveland, OH. | Commerce statue (1911) by Daniel Chester French on Old Federal Building. Cleveland, OH. | Cleveland Public Library (1925) (325 Superior Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Walker & Weeks. | Portal of Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland, OH. |
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Whimsical statuette of reader with book (1998) by Tom Otterness at Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland, OH. | Whimsical statuette of patron with dollar sign (1998) by Tom Otterness at Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland, OH. | Readers with books part of Gates sculpture (1998) by Tom Otterness at Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland, OH. | The Gates grouping of statues (1998) by Tom Otterness at Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland, OH. |
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Reading A Garden fountain in courtyard of Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland, OH. | Louis Stokes Wing of Cleveland Public Library (1997) (525 Superior Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer. | Square towers enclose oval glass core of Louis Stokes Wing of Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland, OH. | Facade of Louis Stokes Wing of Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland, OH. |
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The Arcade (now Hyatt Regency) (1890) (420 Superior Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Style: Richardsonian Romanesque. Architect: Geo. H. Smith & John Eisenmann. On National Register. | The Leader Building (1912) (526 Superior). Cleveland, OH. Style: Chicago style. Architect: Charles Adams Platt. | Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (1923) (13 floors) (Superior Ave. at East 6th St.). Cleveland, OH. Style: Neoclassical. Architect: Walker & Weeks. On National Register. | Facade of Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Cleveland, OH. |
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Sculpture (1923) by Henry Hering at Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Cleveland, OH. | Federal Reserve Bank Operations Center (1996) (8 floors) (717 Superior Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Style: Postmodern. Architect: Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum. | Facade details of Federal Reserve Bank Operations Center. Cleveland, OH. | Superior Building (1922) (22 floors) (815 Superior Ave.) beyond Federal Reserve Bank Operations Center. Cleveland, OH. Architect: Walker & Weeks. On National Register. |
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One Cleveland Center (1983) (31 floors) (1375 East 9th St.). Cleveland, OH. Architect: The Stubbins Assoc.. | One Cleveland Center, Tower at Erieview & Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Cleveland, OH. | Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist & One Cleveland Center. Cleveland, OH. | Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (1948) (1007 Superior Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Stickle, Kelly & Stickle. |
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Catholic Diocese of Cleveland building behind Cathedral on Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH. | Eaton Center (1995) (28 floors) (1111 Superior Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP. | Commercial building at 1215 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH. | One Cleveland Center reflected in 1215 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH. |
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Tower at Erieview (1964) (40 floors) (100 Erieview Plaza). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Harrison & Abramovitz. | Archway entrance Erieview Plaza with Tower at Erieview. Cleveland, OH. | Galleria at Erieview with Ameritech Center beyond. Cleveland, OH. | Galleria at Erieview with highrises beyond. Cleveland, OH. |
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Galleria at Erieview interior. Cleveland, OH. | Prismatic sculpture in Galleria at Erieview. Cleveland, OH. | Arched entrance at Galleria at Erieview. Cleveland, OH. | Garden cafe beside Galleria at Erieview. Cleveland, OH. |
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Garden cafe at Ameritech Center. Cleveland, OH. | Ameritech Center entrance. Cleveland, OH. | Ameritech Center (1983) (16 floors) (45 Erieview Plaza). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Dalton, Dalton, Little, & Newport + Madison Madison International. | Anthony J. Celebreeze Federal Building (1967) (31 floors) (1240 East 9th St.). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Outcault, Guenther, Rode & Bonebrake + Dalton, Dalton, Little, & Newport + Schafer, Flynn & Van Dijk. |
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Cleveland City Hall & North Point Tower. Cleveland, OH. | North Point Tower (1990) (20 floors) (1001 Lakeside Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Payto Architects. | North Point Tower complex. Cleveland, OH. | Free Stamp sculpture (1991) by Claes Coosje Oldenburg van Bruggen in Willard Park (Lakeside Ave. near E. 9th St.). Cleveland, OH. |
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Free Stamp sculpture (1991) by Claes Coosje Oldenburg van Bruggen in Willard Park (Lakeside Ave. near E. 9th St.). Cleveland, OH. | Cleveland Guitar Mania painted guitar (2007) shows Blue Man Robert Lockwood Jr. Cleveland, OH. | Cleveland Guitar Mania painted guitar (2002) shows peacock pattern by Martin Boyle. Cleveland, OH. | Cleveland Guitar Mania painted guitar (2002) shows rainbow of people by Anna Arnold. Cleveland, OH. |
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Cleveland City Hall (1916) (601 Lakeside Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Style: Beaux-Arts. Architect: J. Milton Dyer. | Facade & bronze flagpole of Cleveland City Hall. Cleveland, OH. | Arcaded entrance of Cleveland City Hall. Cleveland, OH. | Bronze flagpole of Cleveland City Hall. Cleveland, OH. |
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Glass bridge to commuter rail station with Cleveland City Hall plus BP, Key & Justice Center towers beyond. Cleveland, OH. | Cleveland Public Auditorium (1922) (The Mall). Cleveland, OH. Style: Renaissance-style. Architect: J.H. Macdowell+ Frank R. Walker. | Cleveland Public Auditorium Renaissance-style. Cleveland, OH. | Cleveland Public Auditorium with highrises beyond. Cleveland, OH. |
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Cleveland Public Auditorium with statue of Abraham Lincoln. Cleveland, OH. | The Mall with modern sculptures. Cleveland, OH. | War Memorial Fountain: Peace Arising from the Flames of War (Fountain of Eternal Life) (1962) by Marshall Maynard Fredericks (in Memorial Plaza). Cleveland, OH. | Key Tower with War Memorial Fountain. Cleveland, OH. |
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Peace Arising from the Flames of War (Fountain of Eternal Life) on War Memorial Fountain. Cleveland, OH. | Peace reaching for heaven on War Memorial Fountain. Cleveland, OH. | War Memorial Fountain with modern structures beyond. Cleveland, OH. | Detail of the feet of Peace above Flames of War on War Memorial Fountain. Cleveland, OH. |
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Sphere of life detail on War Memorial Fountain. Cleveland, OH. | Sculpted figures around sphere of life on War Memorial Fountain. Cleveland, OH. | Sculpted figures around sphere of life on War Memorial Fountain. Cleveland, OH. | Cuyahoga County Courthouse (1911) (Lakeside at Ontario Sts.). Cleveland, OH. Style: Beaux-Arts. Architect: Chas. Morris of Lehman & Schmitt. |
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Justice Center (1977) (26 floors) (1200 Ontario St.). OH. | Marriott at Key Center (1991) (28 floors) (127 Public Square). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Cesar Pelli & Assoc. Architects. | Fifth Third Center (1991) (27 floors) (600 Superior Ave.). Cleveland, OH. Architect: RTKL Associates Inc.. | BP Tower (1985) (45 floors) (200 Public Square). Cleveland, OH. Architect: Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum. |