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Second Empire tower of Hower House. Akron, OH. | Hower House (1871) (60 Fir Hill). Akron, OH. Style: Second Empire Italianate. Architect: Jacob Snyder. On National Register. | Porch of Hower House. Akron, OH. | Staircase at Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Newel post at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Flower arrangement & staircase at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Stairwell at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Octagonal room layout (aka Akron Sunday School Plan) at Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Peacock wall paintings in octagonal central hall at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Archway to parlor at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Faux marble fireplace in parlor at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Eastlake style settee (1871) in parlor at Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Turkish Wardrobe from Paris Exposition (1900) at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Turkish Wardrobe (1900) with mother of pearl & silver inlay at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Fireplace in library at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Wood statue (15thC) depiction of St Michael the archangel (probably Spanish) at Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Fireplace in south parlor at Hower House. Akron, OH. | French crystal chandelier (c1900) & Venetian glass mirror at Hower House. Akron, OH. | French crystal chandelier, wall sconces & Venetian mirror at Hower House. Akron, OH. | French mahogany sideboard with ormolu trim & semi-precious stones at Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Ornately carved secretary in Dutch Renaissance style (c1864) at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Dining room at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Chandelier & ceiling medallion in dining room at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Detail of corn & grapes motif of ceiling medallion in dining room at Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Dutch Renaissance vitrine containing English Tower Spode china in dining room at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Fireplace in dining room at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Dinner gongs in dining room at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Music room at Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Side table & mirror in music room at Hower House. Akron, OH. | French Empire Revival bedstead (aka sleigh bed) with crazy quilt at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Cheval mirror with inlaid marquetry at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Silver beverage warmer at Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Upstairs ballrooms at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Carved wood merman (probably Spanish) & oak stained black chair in ballroom at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Wooden rocking chair with head rest at Hower House. Akron, OH. | Carriage house of Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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Former stone churches now University of Akron Ballet Center (E. Market St.). Akron, OH. | Eastern Stick style house (late 19thC) (E. Market St.). Akron, OH. | Andrew Jackson House (277 East Mill St.). Akron, OH. | Church Tower near Hower House. Akron, OH. |
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First Congregational Church (1910) (292 E. Market St.) noted for its interior Akron Plan Sunday School layout of small rooms surrounding a central hall. Akron, OH. Style: Richardsonian Romanesque. Architect: Charles Henry. | Richardsonian Romanesque facade of First Congregational Church. Akron, OH. | Octagonal exterior of First Congregational Church. Akron, OH. |