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St Jerome retablo by Antonio Molleno at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. | St Lawrence retablo by Antonio Molleno at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. | Spanish painted icon of St Peter (1815-45) by Antonio Molleno at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | St Michael retablo by Antonio Molleno at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. |
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St Michael Archangel retablo by Antonio Molleno at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. | St Anthony of Padua retablo by Antonio Molleno at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. | Talpa Family Chapel (1838) Santos art altar screen & saints by José Rafael Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | Santos art detail of Talpa Family Chapel altar screen (1838) by José Rafael Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. |
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St Jerome sculpture from Talpa Family Chapel (1838) by José Rafael Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | Spanish religious icon paintings & carvings (1820-61) by José Rafael Aragón at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | Spanish painted crucifix (c1820-61) by José Rafael Aragón at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | Retablo collection at Harwood Museum of Art including St. Rose of Lima, Our Lady of Sorrows & St. Gertrude all by José Rafael Aragón. Taos, NM. |
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Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe painting (c1820-60) by Rafael Aragón of New Mexico at McNay Art Museum. San Antonio, TX. | St Rose of Lima retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. | St Gertrude retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. | St Ramon Nonnatus retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. |
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St Francis of Assisi retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. | St Veronica's Handkerchief retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. | Holy Trinity retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. | St Ignatius Loyola retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. |
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St Francis of Assisi retablo (c1830) by José Rafael Aragón at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. | Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. | St Acacio retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. | St John Nepomuk bulto (1840s) by José Rafael Aragón at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. |
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St James the Moor Slayer retablo by José Rafael Aragón at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. | San Antonio sculpture (1820-40) attrib. workshop of José Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | Our Lady of Immaculate Conception sculpture (1820-35) attrib. workshop of José Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | Santos-style Crucifix (19thC) by José Rafael Aragón on New Mexico at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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San Acacio sculpture (1820-62) by José Rafael Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | St Ignatius of Loyola painting (1820-62) by José Rafael Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | Holy Trinity painting (1820-25) by José Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | San Miguel painting (1820-62) by José Rafael Aragón at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. |
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San Pedro (St. Peter) (c1830) by Arroyo Hondo Painter at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | Santa Gertrudis (St. Gertrude) (c1830) by Arroyo Hondo Painter at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | St Raymond Nonnatus retablo by Arroyo Hondo Painter at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. | St Anthony retablo by Arroyo Hondo Painter at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. |
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Nuestra Señora del Carmen painting (c1830-40) by Arroyo Hondo Santero of New Mexico at McNay Art Museum. San Antonio, TX. | Our Lady of Immaculate Conception bulto (1840) by Arroyo Hondo Santero at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. | Santo-style retablo at Albuquerque Museum. Albuquerque, NM. | Spanish religious icon paintings & carvings at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Spanish religious icon paintings & carvings (1780-1825) by Pedro Antonio Fresquís at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | St Raphael painting (1780) by Bernardo Miera y Pacheco of Santa Fe, NM at Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. Santa Fe, NM. | Spanish painted icon of Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos (1795-1810) by Laguna Santero at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | Spanish painted icon of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. |
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St Anthony painting (19thC) from Mexico at Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. Santa Fe, NM. | Veronica's Veil painting (1868) by Mourselo Aguilar of Mexico at Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. Santa Fe, NM. | Santa Eduvigis painting (19thC) from Mexico at Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. Santa Fe, NM. | Collection of Santos art crucifixes (1820-1910) by various Hispanic artists at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. |
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Collection of Santos art crucifixes (1820-1910) by various Hispanic artists at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | San Miguel sculpture (18thC) by unknown Hispanic Santos artist at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | St Michael Archangel wood sculpture (mid 1800s) by Santo Niño Santero of New Mexico at McNay Art Museum. San Antonio, TX. | Death on Her Cart sculpture (c1860) by Nasario López at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. |
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Holy Family sculpture (c1875-90) by Jóse Benito Ortega at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | Nuestra Señora de la Soledad sculpture (c1880-1900) by José Benito Ortega of New Mexico at McNay Art Museum. San Antonio, TX. | St Longinus painting (c1780-1830) by Truchas Master at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | San Ysidro (St. Isidore) by unknown Hispanic Santos-style artist at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. |
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St James the Moorslayer (late 18thC) by 18thC Novice Hispanic Santos artist at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Colorado Springs, CO. | Reredo altar screen santero painting (1991) by Ramon Jose Lopez in NM State Capitol Art Collection. Santa Fe, NM. | Santos de Nuevo Mexico painting with carving of San Ysidro, patron saint of farming, (1995-6) by Charlie Carrillo in NM State Capitol Art Collection. Santa Fe, NM. | Interior of Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Reredos in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Holy Trinity by Charlie Carillo on Reredos in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | St Michael Archangel by Eduardo Sánchez on Reredos in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | St Isidore & his wife by Irene Martinez-Yates on Reredos in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. |
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St Paschal by Jacobo de la Serna on Reredos in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Bulto of St Isidore by Alcario Otero in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | St Luis Gonzaga by José Ramón Lopez on Reredos in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Paintings (c1800-70) by several New Mexico Santos Artists at McNay Art Museum. San Antonio, TX. |
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St Anthony Abbot by Ernie Luján on Reredos in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Spanish-style carving of nativity scene over native pot at San Miguel Mission. Santa Fe, NM. | John the Baptist icon over pitcher & basin in La Placita at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Peregrinación painted shrine (1995) by Anita Rodriquez at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. |
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Santos art collection at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. | Stations of the Cross in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Station of the Cross III by Francisco Nazario Lucero in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Station of the Cross IV by Mary Jo Martin in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Station of the Cross VI by Arlene Cisneros Sena in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Station of the Cross VIII by Ernie Luján in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Station of the Cross X by Charlie Carillo in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Station of the Cross XI by Gustavo Victor Goler in Golondrinas Chapel at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Reredos (1798) of San Miguel Mission. Santa Fe, NM. | Spanish-style saint carvings or bultos on reredos of San Miguel Mission. Santa Fe, NM. | Spanish-style saint carving on reredos of San Miguel Mission. Santa Fe, NM. | Spanish-style saint carving on reredos of San Miguel Mission. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Painting of St Michael with St Teresa & St Gertrude atop reredos of San Miguel Mission. Santa Fe, NM. | Painting on reredos of Christ with St Francis & St Louis at San Miguel Mission. Santa Fe, NM. | Portrait of St Louis King of France on reredos of San Miguel Mission. Santa Fe, NM. | Collection of early Spanish religious art at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Collection of early Spanish carved crucifixes at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | New Mexico chapel (1821-80) composite exhibit at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | New Mexico chapel exhibit at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | Nuestra Señora de la Luz bulto santo sculpture (c1939) by Juan Amadeo Sánchez at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Three Kings carving (20thC) by Thomas Cabo from Puerto Rico at Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. Santa Fe, NM. | St Roch statue (19thC) from Spain at Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. Santa Fe, NM. | Bulto of St. Isidro patron of agriculture in Mora house at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. | Carved plaque of St. Isidro patron of agriculture in Mora house at Rancho de las Golondrinas. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Santos art collection at Millicent Rogers Museum. Taos, NM. | Santos religious carvings at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. | La Muerte figure of death (early 20thC) at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. | La Muerte figure of death at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. |
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La Muerte figure of death at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. | Nuestra Señora de la Luz sculpture (c1930) by José Dolores López of New Mexico at McNay Art Museum. San Antonio, TX. | Bulto (1940-50) by Patrocinio Barela at Hacienda de los Martinez. Taos, NM. | Bultos (c1940) by Patrociño Barela at Harwood Museum of Art. Taos, NM. |