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Jeremiah Lee Mansion (1768) (161 Washington St.). Marblehead, MA. Style: Georgian. On National Register. | Georgian facade of Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Georgian details of Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Boxwood garden of Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Entry hall & stairway at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Spiral newel post at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Newell post cap at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Banister at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Original wallpaper along staircase at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Parlor fireplace at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Cast-iron fireplace back with stag in parlor at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Table & chairs in parlor at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Table & chairs in parlor at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Parlor door with original early American hinges at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Drawing room fireplace at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Drawing room fireplace overmantle carving at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Side-table with candle shades & punch bowl in drawing room at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Sconce in drawing room at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Banjo clock by Willard in drawing room at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Office at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Ship paintings, portraits & sidechairs in office at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Sidechair in office at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Stenciled liquor chest at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Collection of porcelain at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Commemorative schooner plate & pitcher at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Portrait of Elbridge Gerry, drop-front desk, & Windsor chair at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Portrait of Mass. Governor & Ù.S. Vice President Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814) by William Goodwin at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Cubbyholes & drawers on drop-front desk at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Punchbowl painted with Masonic symbols at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Hand-painted English mural wallpaper (18thC) line upstairs hall at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Oriental import porcelain punchbowl in upstairs hall at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Hand-painted English mural wallpaper (18thC) with desk in upstairs hall at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Details of hand-painted English mural wallpaper (18thC) line upstairs hall at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Bedroom with canopied bed at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Details of hand-painted English mural wallpaper (18thC) & chest of drawers with bombé profile at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Chaise longue, high chest & table & chairs in bedroom at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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High chest of drawers & drop-leaf table in bedroom at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Candle stand & bed warmer in bedroom at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Drop-front desk at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Chest of drawers with slide-open console at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Upstairs sitting room fireplace & chairs at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Center table with chess set in upstairs sitting room at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Detail of hand-painted English mural wallpaper (18thC) with castle & sailing ship at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | High chest of drawers & four-poster bed at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Finials atop high chest of drawers at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Wood panels over fireplace at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | European fireplace tiles at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Window divided between two rooms to preserve Georgian symmetry at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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High chest of drawers at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Hat box for tri-cornered hat at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Commemorative pitcher showing Apotheosis of George Washington at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Painting of Apotheosis of George Washington at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Small bedroom with four-poster & trundle beds at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Early American backrest for reading in bed at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Bow-front chest of drawers under portrait at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Sitting tin bathtub & painted summer fireplace closure at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Washstand with oriental import pitcher & basin at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Etching of Autumn & Winter scenes (1799) by P. Barnaschina of Holborn, England at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Rocking chair & chest of drawers at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Kerosene luster lamp with cut glass shade with American shield at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Banjo-style clock by Simon Willard & Sons of Boston at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Portrait of Miss Selman, daughter of Capt. John Selman at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Band box or hat boxes including one reading "Old Rough & Ready" at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | "Genl. Taylor - Old Rough & Ready" band box at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Leather fire buckets at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Stenciled & caned side chair at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Chinese-patterned pagoda wallpaper at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Wooden stand for cruet set at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Leather fire bucket at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | American eagle shield from War of 1812 ship Ashley at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Portraits of little girls by William T. Bartoll at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Morning painting at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Mirror with painted glass at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Painted glass panel with woman & goat on looking glass at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Press at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Collection of early American bedroom furniture at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Early Massachusetts chest of drawers at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Pewter plates on kitchen board at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Kitchen hearth at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Clockwork rotisserie device in kitchen hearth at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Windsor chair in kitchen at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Collection of ceramic plates & vessels at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Annular ware pitcher (c1800) from England at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Willow Ware china at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |
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Lafayette china patterns at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | China plate of La Grange castle of General Lafayette at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. | Collection of lamps & other objects at Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Marblehead, MA. |