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John Cabot House (1781) (117 Cabot St.) a museum run by Beverly Historical Society. Beverly, MA. Style: Georgian. On National Register. | Front entrance of John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Central hall stairway at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Cantilevered stairs at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Stairwell view at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Floor cloth (19thC) at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Parlor fireplace at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Original Delft tiles (1781) on parlor fireplace at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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American tallship barque James Briant painting at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Portraits of Moses & Mary Brown over Chickering piano from Boston at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Portrait of Capt. Moses Brown (1748-1820) by Gilbert Stuart at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Portrait of Mary Bridge Brown (1760-1842) by James Frothingham at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Teak chair with lion (early 19thC) from China at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Secretary with finial of Milton which belonged to Moses Brown at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Pull-out candle shelf on secretary which belonged to Moses Brown at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Finial of Milton on secretary which belonged to Moses Brown at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Windsor chair at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Bankers' writing desk (early-mid 19thC) beside portrait of Israel Thorndike (1854) in Bank room at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Israel Thorndike portrait (1854) by Bass Otis after c1820 original by Gilbert Stuart at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Three dollar bill issued (1859) by Beverly Bank at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Twenty dollar bill issued (1780) by State of Massachusetts-Bay at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Balance scale in Bank room at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Primitive portrait of Laura Patch (c1842) at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Collection of nautical objects connected to port of Beverly at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Wooden child's chair carved on ship voyage around Cape Horn at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Ship's hourglass at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Fid, conical tool used to open knots or strands of rope at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Plaque with names of first English settlers of Beverly in 1626 at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Beverly city seal at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Sampler (1811) by Elizabeth Cressy (b1799) at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Weasel for winding yarn at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Double foot warmer (early 19thC) carried coals to church at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Washington Fire Club leather fire bucket (1804) which belonged to I.O. Stone at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Dropfront Sheraton desk & bookcase at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Memorial Hall at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Objects from Robert Rantoul Sr.'s apothecary shop including apothecary case, mortar & pestle shop sign, & phrenology bust at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Robert Rantoul, Jr. portrait by Franklin Poole at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Barque San Francisco painting (c1849) a ship which sailed around the horn at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Civil War officer's uniform of Mass. Lieutenant at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Pulpit chair used by Rev. Abiel Abbot at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Revolutionary War display room at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Revolutionary War firearms at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Fight at Concord Bridge on 19 April 1775 painting (prior to 1898) by Frederick Coffay Yohn at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Valley Forge painting (prior to 1898) by Frederick Coffay Yohn at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Captain Hugh Hill (1740-1829) portrait by unknown artist at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Declaration of Independence (E. Russell newsprint broadside version) (printed 17 July, 1776) at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Revolutionary War medicine chest at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Model train in Walker Transportation Collection at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Scale model steam locomotive at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Model cars & Lombard log hauler at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Model steam-powered traction engine & rail passenger cars at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |