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Visitor center interior & mural at Concord Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Minute Men mural at Concord Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Battle Road by Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Battle Road by Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. |
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Battle Road & Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Hartwell Tavern (1732-3) at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. Style: Colonial. | Colonial detail of Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. |
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Parlor in Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Fireplace in Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Corner hutch in Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Cooking fireplace in Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. |
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Cooking fireplace in Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Pewter plates at Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Ceramic plates at Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Ceramic plate painted with parallel lines at Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. |
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Storage room with barrels at Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Ceramic vessels at Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Ceramic vessels & wooden tub at Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Bar room at Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. |
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Tables & chairs in bar room at Hartwell Tavern at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Nathan Meriam House (c1705) site of Revolutionary skirmishes at Concord Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Nathan Meriam House (c1705) at Concord Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. Style: Colonial. | Battleground at Old North Bridge where 400 American Minutemen held British Regulars on April 19, 1775 at Concord Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. |
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Old North Bridge & monuments of "Shot heard round the world" of first Revolutionary War at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Replica of the Old North Bridge over the Concord River where on April 19, 1775, American Minutemen stopped the advance of British troops sent to seize American munitions. Concord, MA. | Minute Man statue (1875) by Daniel Chester French honors embattled farmers who "fired the shot heard round the world" at Old North Bridge. Concord, MA. | Minute Man statue of colonial farmer with plow, musket & powder horn at Old North Bridge. Concord, MA. |
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Minute Man statue shows colonial with plow & musket at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Minute Man statue (1875) by Daniel Chester French honors embattled farmers who "fired the shot heard round the world" at Old North Bridge. Concord, MA. | Minute Man statue of colonial farmer with plow, musket & powder horn at Old North Bridge. Concord, MA. | Replica of the Old North Bridge over the Concord River where on April 19, 1775, American Minutemen stopped the advance of British troops sent to seize American munitions. Concord, MA. |
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Foundations of Ephraim & Willard Buttrick Houses (c1697) near Old North Bridge at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | National Park Service North Bridge Visitor Center at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Interior of National Park Service North Bridge Visitor Center at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | The Wayside Home of Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Alcotts & Margaret Sidney at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. |
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The Wayside (earliest part 1714) (455 Lexington Road) at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. On National Register. | The Wayside at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | The Wayside front door at Minute Men National Historical Park. Concord, MA. | Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House (1690-1720) (399 Lexington Road). Concord, MA. Style: Colonial. |
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Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House where author resided (1858-77) & wrote Little Women (1868). Concord, MA. | Front door of Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House. Concord, MA. | Side facade of Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House. Concord, MA. | Concord School of Philosophy at Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House. Concord, MA. |
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The Old Manse (1769) residents witnessed the battle which started the American Revolution. Concord, MA. Style: Colonial. | The Old Manse home of American authors Ralph Waldo Emerson (1830s) then Nathaniel Hawthorne (1843-6). Concord, MA. | The Old Manse built by Emerson family where Ralph Waldo Emerson pamphlet Nature (1836) which started movement to abolish slavery, allow equal rights for women and reform various public institutions. Concord, MA. | Garden at The Old Manse. Concord, MA. |
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First Parish in Concord (1901) (20 Lexington Rd.). Concord, MA. Style: Colonial Revival. Architect: Cabot, Everett & Mead. | Clock tower of First Parish in Concord. Concord, MA. | Concord town square. Concord, MA. | Wright Tavern (1747) (1 Lexington Rd.). Concord, MA. Style: Georgian. |
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Sign documenting Amos Wright Tavern as meeting house of Provincial Congress committees on eve of the Revolution, HQ of Minutemen on morning of April 19, 1775 & HQ of British later that day. Concord, MA. | War of the Rebellion monument on Monument Sq. Concord, MA. | War of the Rebellion monument on Monument Sq. Concord, MA. | Names of those who died in War of the Rebellion on Monument Sq. Concord, MA. |
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Plaque marking Jethro's Tree where Major Simon Willard bought Concord from the Indians on Monument Sq. Concord, MA. | Saint Bernard's Roman Catholic Church (1840) (12 Monument Sq.). Concord, MA. Style: Greek Revival; Italianate. Architect: John H. Chapman; Chickering & O'Connell; Laurence J. Cuneo; Keefe Assoc.. | Tombstone (1754) in Old Hill Burying Ground on Monument Sq. Concord, MA. | Old Hill Burying Ground (1677) on Monument Sq. with early American headstones (1730s-50s). Concord, MA. |
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Tombstone with winged skull (1737) in Old Hill Burying Ground on Monument Sq. Concord, MA. | Tombstone with winged skull (1727) in Old Hill Burying Ground on Monument Sq. Concord, MA. | Concord Town House (1851) (22 Monument Sq.). Concord, MA. Style: Italianate. Architect: Richard Bond; Foster & Dutton; George B. Thayer. | Stone surround of door of Concord Town House (1851) (22 Monument Sq.). Concord, MA. |
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Middlesex County Courthouse (1851) (30 Monument Sq.). Concord, MA. Style: Colonial Revival. Architect: Harry Britton Little. | Middlesex County Courthouse. Concord, MA. | The Cottage (1780) (aka Madam Keyes - John Shepard Keyes House) (15 Monument St.). Concord, MA. | Signs of Concord's Colonial Inn on Monument Sq. Concord, MA. |
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Colonial Inn (aka Minot, James - Thoreau House) (1716) (48 Monument Sq.). Concord, MA. | Maj. John Buttrick House (1715) (231 Liberty St.). Concord, MA. Style: Georgian. Architect: Stedman Buttrick + Joseph Derby. | Ralph Waldo Emerson house (1835-82) (28 Cambridge Turnpike). Concord, MA. | Home of Ralph Waldo Emerson, American author, philosopher & poet. Concord, MA. |
Concord Museum (53 Cambridge Turnpike). Concord, MA. |