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Lion sculpture stands before Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Cheyenne eagle feather war bonnet (c1890) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Upper Missouri Tribe deer-hide war shirt (1830-40) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Display of beaded objects at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Beaded Crow cradle (c1920) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Cheyenne painted bison-hide tipi curtain (c1870) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Navajo blanket or rug (c1900) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Pomo tribe twined basketry bowl (1870-1900) by Sally Burris of Northern California at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Pomo tribe figured gift basket (1890) from Northern California at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Pomo tribe wedding basket (c1895) from Northern California at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Pomo tribe feathered gift basket (1915-20) from Northern California at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Basket by Mountain Maidu tribe of California (late 19thC) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Basket by Yokuts tribe of California (c1900) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Klikitat tribe berry-gathering basket (c1900) from Columbia River Valley of Washington at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Zuni ceramic polychrome jar (c1890) from Zuni Pueblo, NM at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Hopi ceramic seed jar with Sikyatki motifs (c1895-1910) from Arizona at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Cochiti ceramic polychrome jar (c1900) from Cochiti Pueblo, NM at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Black ceramic storage jar c1930 from San Ildefonso Pueblo, NM at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Hopi ceramic polychrome jar (c1990) by Priscilla Namingha Nampeyo from Arizona at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Olmec standing figurine (800-400 BCE) from Veracruz, Mexico at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Chupícuaro terracotta female effigy (200-100 BCE) from Guanajuato or Michoacán, Mexico at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Ceramic seated joined couple (200 BCE-300 CE) from Nayarit, Mexico at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Ceramic storyteller figure (100-800) from Jalisco, Mexico at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Mexican Teotihuacán culture ceramic mask depicting old deity of fire (450-750) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Mexican Teotihuacán culture pyrite mirror with jade jaguar mosaic (500-600) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Mexican Teotihuacán culture mural fragment of priest (600-750) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Earthenware polychrome pitchers (1400-1520) from Cholula, Mexico at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Early Classic Maya covered vessel with Principal Bird & Peccary Heads (200-300) from Petén region, Guatemala at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Feline effigy grinding table (Metate) (500-1000) from Nicoya, Costa Rica at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Panama Coclé culture gold double pendant in form of mythical caymans (800-1200) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Panama Veraguas culture cast gold male figure (1000-1500) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Tairona gold earrings (1000-1500) from Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Moche ceramic portrait vessels (100 BCE-500 CE) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Moche ceramic vessel in form of fisherman in reed boat (100 BCE-500 CE) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Moche ceramic vessel in form of seal impersonator playing a drum (100 BCE-500 CE) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Moche ceramic vessel in form of owl impersonator (100 BCE-500 CE) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Moche pottery vessel representing royal messenger (100 BCE-500) from Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Moche pottery vessel representing deer impersonator (100 BCE-500) from Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Moche pottery vessel representing prisoner with avian captors (100 BCE-500) from Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Tiwanaku-Wari ceramic vessel depicting abstract bird (700-1000) from South Coast, Bolivia at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Nazca ceramic vessel in form of seated figure with tattooed arms (180 BCE-500 CE) from South Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Nazca pottery vessels depicting warriors (180 BCE-500) from Peru with one having trophy head at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Nazca pottery vessel depicting warrior (180 BCE-500) from Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Nazca ceramic bowl depicting harvest dance (180 BCE-500 CE) from South Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Nazca ceramic vessels in form of peppers & roots (180 BCE-500 CE) from South Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Nazca ceramic vessel depicting a masked warrior holding trophy heads (180 BCE-500 CE) from South Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Nazca ceramic vessel depicting anthropomorphic shark holding trophy head (180 BCE-500 CE) from South Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Paracas ceramic jar with anthropomorphic figure (650-150 BCE) from South Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Chavín ceramic stirrup-spout vessel with feline & cactus (900-200 BCE) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Chavín ceramic vessel with figure seated inside structure (c800 BCE) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Lambayeque ceramic vessel with double-horned spouts (1000-1470) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Chimú-Inca ceramic vessel in form of child carried in litter (1200-1450) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Chimú-Inca ceramic vessel in form of llama with attendant figures (1200-1450) from North Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Inca gold beakers showing birds in cornfield (1100-1438) from Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Gold Inca beakers (late 15thC - early 16thC) from Ica Valley, South Coast, Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Chimú gold ceremonial knife (Tumi) inlaid with turquoise (1100-1450) from Peru at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |