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Lion sculpture stands before Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Folk art gallery at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Portraits of woman & man 1827-30 attrib. to Jonas Holman at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Painted Schrank (1790) from Berks County, PA at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Cigar store Indian (1888-1903) by Samuel A. Robb of New York City at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Male ship figurehead (1830-40) from Northeastern U.S. at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Carved wooden eagle (1865-90) attrib. Wilhelm Schimmel of Carlisle, PA at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Carved wooden eagle (1870-99) by John Haley Bellamy of Kittery Point, ME at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Fan-backed Windsor Chair (1760-70) from Philadelphia, PA at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Chair table (1700-1800) from New York area at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Inlaid table (1880-1914) from Chicago, IL at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Painted chests (18th-19thC) from New England at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Fireplace mantel 1813 by Samuel Field McIntire of Salem, MA & Fireboard (c1820) from Southbury, CT used to cover hearths at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Tall case clock (case 1820; decoration 1884) by Silas Hoadley & painted by Uriah Dyer of Warren, ME at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Desk & bookcase (1893) by Ladislaus Zdzieblowski of Chicago, IL made for 1893 World's Columbian Exposition at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Weathervane with Indian & four fish (late 19th or early 20thC) by Henry Driehaus of PA at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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American eagle creamware jug with rings of 15 states (1796-1803) from Liverpool, England at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Redware plate painted with bird in tree (1792) from Southeastern PA at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Earthenware (pearlware) tea bowl & dish with transfer decoration of American eagle (1810-25) prob. from Staffordshire, England at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Redware jar (1825-30) from Middlebury, VT at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Yellowware cow creamer (c1850) from Bennington, VT at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Redware mug (1882-92) by S. Bell & Sons of Strasburg, VA at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Shaker wooden oval box (c1850) at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Nesting Nantucket Lightship Baskets (c1956) by Irving H. Burnside at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |