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Irish silver collection at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Irish silver (late 17th-18thC) at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Silver 'Dopping' porringer (1685) by John Phillips of Dublin at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Silver engraved tankard (1706) by David King of Dublin at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. |
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Silver chocolate pot (1696-9) by Thomas Bolton of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Silver-gilt Monteith or punchbowl (1704) by Thomas Bolton of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Silver Monteith (1726) by Thomas Sutton of Dublin at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Silver flagon (1733) made in Dublin for church use at Bishop's Palace. Waterford, Ireland. |
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Silver swan wine cistern (1715) by John Hamilton of Dublin at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Silver sauce boats (l) (1740) by John Hamilton & (r) (1752) by John Laughlin Sr. at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Silver saucepan & lid (c1755) by William Townsend of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Rococo coffee pot (1773) by John Locker of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. |
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Silver & red glass epergne (1775) by John Locker of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Silver 'Magill' ewer (1775) by Charles Mullen of Dublin at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Silver epergne with cruets (1790) made in Dublin at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Rococo coffee urn (1812) by James Henzell of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. |
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Silver tea kettle & stand (1849) possibly by Joseph Mahony of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Silver table snuff box (1856) by Edmond Johnson of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Silver dish (1870) by Joseph Johnson Jr. of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Gold bracelet with micro-mosaic scene of dog chasing deer (c1870-80) at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. |
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Celtic revival coffee & tea service (1874-5) by John Smith of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Replica of Shrine of St Patrick's Bell (1903) by Edmond Johnson of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Neo-Celtic silver bowl (1910) by West & Son of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Neo-Celtic silver book cover (1913) by Thomas Weir of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. |
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Silver coffee service with gilded textured surface (1970) by Stuart Devlin at Ulster Museum. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Silver coffee pot (1973) by Brian Clarke of Dublin & goblet (1708) by Francis Girard of Dublin at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. |