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The Washington Family painting (c1790-96) by Edward Savage at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Portrait of George Washington's family in Senate chamber of Old State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Graphic of Washington Family by N. Currier at Thomas Griswold House. Guilford, CT. | Engraving showing family of George Washington at Monument House Museum. Groton, CT. |
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Graphic (c1830) of George Washington's family by F.B. Schell published by John Dainty of Philadelphia at Danbury Museum & Historical Society. Danbury, CT. | Graphic (c1830) of George Washington's family by F.B. Schell published by John Dainty of Philadelphia at Woodman Museum. Dover, NH. | Reverse glass paintings of George & Martha Washington (1850-65) by William Mathew Prior based on portraits by Gilbert Stuart at Sandwich Glass Museum. Sandwich, MA. | Portraits of George & Martha Washington (c1793) by John Trumbull at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Miniature portraits (1790s) of Eleanor Parke Custis, Cornelia Schuyler, Mrs. George Washington, Sophia Chew, & Harriet Chew by John Trumbull at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | Portrait of Martha Washington at Grant Cottage SHS. Wilton, NY. | Bust of Martha Washington in Pennsylvania Foyer at DAR Memorial Continental Hall. Washington, DC. | Martha Washington portrait (c1853) by Rembrandt Peale at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. |
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Portrait of Martha Curtis Washington (1795) by Charles Willson Peale in National Portrait Gallery. Philadelphia, PA. | Martha Washington portrait at Museum of Virginia History. Richmond, VA. | Martha Washington portrait by James Sharples Sr. at Longfellow National Historic Site. Cambridge, MA. | Portrait of Martha Washington on glass at Mayflower Society House. Plymouth, MA. |
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Martha Washington portrait (1790) by Edward Savage at Peacefield. Quincy, MA. | Martha Washington portrait by Carl Wimar at Old St. Louis County Courthouse. St Louis, MO. | George & Martha Washington Toby mugs at Museum of Ceramics. East Liverpool, OH. |