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Lectern with symbols of Evangelists at Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. | Lectern with winged Evangelists angel of Matthew & eagle of John at Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. | Lectern with winged Evangelists lion of Mark & bull of Luke at Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. | Lectern with winged Evangelist symbol of Luke at Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. |
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Lectern with carvings of symbols representing the four Evangelists at Basilica St Mang. Füssen, Germany. | Ceiling in Sagrada Familia above four Evangelists' columns. Barcelona, Spain. | Evangelist Luke symbol on columns of Sagrada Familia. Barcelona, Spain. | Evangelist John symbol on columns of Sagrada Familia. Barcelona, Spain. |
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Evangelist Mathew with Angel at Sagrada Familia. Barcelona, Spain. | Evangelist Mark with winged Lion at Sagrada Familia. Barcelona, Spain. | Evangelist Luke with winged Bull at Sagrada Familia. Barcelona, Spain. | Evangelist John with winged Eagle at Sagrada Familia. Barcelona, Spain. |
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Symbols for Evangelists Mark (lion) & Matthew (angel) on high altar (1991) by Arcabas & Étienne Pirot inside St Vincent Cathedral. St Malo, France. | Symbols for Evangelists John (eagle) & Luke (bull) on high altar inside St Vincent Cathedral. St Malo, France. | Symbols for Evangelists Mark (lion) & Matthew (angel) on high altar inside St Vincent Cathedral. St Malo, France. | Symbols for Evangelists John (eagle) & Luke (bull) on high altar inside St Vincent Cathedral. St Malo, France. |
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Angel, representing Evangelist Matthew on high altar inside St Vincent Cathedral. St Malo, France. | Lion, representing Evangelist Mark on high altar inside St Vincent Cathedral. St Malo, France. | Bull, representing Evangelist Luke on high altar inside St Vincent Cathedral. St Malo, France. | Eagle, representing Evangelist John on high altar inside St Vincent Cathedral. St Malo, France. |
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Angel carving, representing St Matthew Evangelist, on baptismal font at Cathedral of Our Lady. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. | Lion carving, representing St Mark Evangelist, on baptismal font at Cathedral of Our Lady. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. | Bull carving, representing St Luke Evangelist, on baptismal font at Cathedral of Our Lady. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. | Eagle carving, representing St John Evangelist, on baptismal font at Cathedral of Our Lady. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
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Winged angel of Evangelist St Matthew in font of St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. | Winged lion of Evangelist St Mark in font of St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. | Winged bull of Evangelist St Luke in font of St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. | Winged eagle of Evangelist St John in font of St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Baptismal font (2001) with symbols of Evangelists in St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. | Cut glass window depicting lion of evangelist Mark in St Peter-In-Chains Cathedral. Cincinnati, OH. | Cut glass window depicting bull of evangelist Luke in St Peter-In-Chains Cathedral. Cincinnati, OH. | Cut glass window depicting eagle of evangelist John in St Peter-In-Chains Cathedral. Cincinnati, OH. |
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St Matthew stained glass for Florida by Louis Comfort Tiffany at Blandford Church. Petersburg, VA. | St Mark stained glass for South Carolina by Louis Comfort Tiffany at Blandford Church. Petersburg, VA. | St Luke stained glass for Texas by Louis Comfort Tiffany at Blandford Church. Petersburg, VA. | St John (the Evangelist) stained glass for Virginia by Louis Comfort Tiffany at Blandford Church. Petersburg, VA. |
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Modern pulpit carving of Evangelist St Matthew with angel symbol at Heilig-Geist-Kirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern pulpit carving of Evangelist St Mark with lion symbol at Heilig-Geist-Kirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern pulpit carving of Evangelist St Luke with bull symbol at Heilig-Geist-Kirche. Munich, Germany. | Modern pulpit carving of Evangelist St John with eagle symbol at Heilig-Geist-Kirche. Munich, Germany. |
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Angel symbol of evangelist Matthew on squinch of Sacramento Cathedral. Sacramento, CA. | Lion symbol of evangelist Mark on squinch of Sacramento Cathedral. Sacramento, CA. | Bull symbol of evangelist Luke painted on squinch of Sacramento Cathedral. Sacramento, CA. | Eagle symbol of evangelist John on squinch of Sacramento Cathedral. Sacramento, CA. |
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Evangelist Matthew as angel in Memorial Presbyterian Church. St Augustine, FL. | Evangelist Mark as lion in Memorial Presbyterian Church. St Augustine, FL. | Evangelist Luke as bull in Memorial Presbyterian Church. St Augustine, FL. | Evangelist John as eagle in Memorial Presbyterian Church. St Augustine, FL. |
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Evangelist St Matthew in Saint Photios Shrine. St Augustine, FL. | Evangelist St Luke in Saint Photios Shrine. St Augustine, FL. | Evangelist St Mark in Saint Photios Shrine. St Augustine, FL. | Evangelist St John in Saint Photios Shrine. St Augustine, FL. |
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Painting of Evangelist St Matthew in The Oldest House. St Augustine, FL. | Painting of Evangelist St Mark in The Oldest House. St Augustine, FL. | Painting of Evangelist St Luke in The Oldest House. St Augustine, FL. | Painting of Evangelist St John in The Oldest House. St Augustine, FL. |
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Evangelist Matthew window in Old Cathedral. Vincennes, IN. | Evangelist Mark window in Old Cathedral. Vincennes, IN. | Evangelist Luke window in Old Cathedral. Vincennes, IN. | Evangelist John window in Old Cathedral. Vincennes, IN. |
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St Matthew the evangelist with winged angel on ceiling of St Louis Cathedral. New Orleans, LA. | St Mark the evangelist with winged lion on ceiling of St Louis Cathedral. New Orleans, LA. | St Luke the evangelist with winged bull on ceiling of St Louis Cathedral. New Orleans, LA. | St John the evangelist with winged eagle on ceiling of St Louis Cathedral. New Orleans, LA. |
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Statue of St Matthew with winged angel at Cathedral of Saint Paul. St. Paul, MN. | Statue of St Mark with winged lion at Cathedral of Saint Paul. St. Paul, MN. | Statue of St Luke with winged bull at Cathedral of Saint Paul. St. Paul, MN. | Statue of St John with winged eagle at Cathedral of Saint Paul. St. Paul, MN. |
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Angel symbol of Evangelist Matthew at Saint Louis Cathedral. St Louis, MO. | Lion symbol of Evangelist Mark at Saint Louis Cathedral. St Louis, MO. | Bull symbol of Evangelist Luke at Saint Louis Cathedral. St Louis, MO. | Eagle symbol of Evangelist John at Saint Louis Cathedral. St Louis, MO. |
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Evangelist St Matthew with angel stained glass window in St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. | Evangelist St Mark with lion stained glass window in St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. | Evangelist St Luke with bull stained glass window in St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. | Evangelist St John with eagle stained glass window in St Francis Cathedral. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Bull of St Luke & angel of St Matthew in Westminster Presbyterian Church. Buffalo, NY. | Lion of St Mark & eagle of St John in Westminster Presbyterian Church. Buffalo, NY. | Stained glass windows of Christ & Evangelists + Peter & Paul in Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Evangelists symbols for Sts Matthew, Mark, Luke & John stained glass window in Old Stone Church. Cleveland, OH. |
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St Mark the Evangelist on Altar at San Fernando Cathedral. San Antonio, TX. | St Luke the Evangelist on Altar at San Fernando Cathedral. San Antonio, TX. | St John the Evangelist on Altar at San Fernando Cathedral. San Antonio, TX. | Eagle symbol of St John the Evangelist on Altar at San Fernando Cathedral. San Antonio, TX. |
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Bronze doors of St John the Divine with evangelistic symbols in bottom row. New York, NY. | Symbols of Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke & John on Liturgical Press building at St John's University. Collegeville, MN. | Vision of Apocalypse surrounded by Evangelists detail on Chagall stained glass window at Reims Cathedral. Reims, France. | The four Evangelists on St Andrew's Cathedral's Great West Window. Honolulu, HI. |