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Headless body of Goliath being taken to Jerusalem scene (800s) on plaster replica of north high cross from Ahenny in County Tipperary at Medieval Mile Museum. Kilkenny, Ireland. | Goliath statue (c1260) removed from facade of Reims Cathedral at Tau Palace Museum. Reims, France. | David with Head of Goliath painting (c1450-5) by Andrea del Castagno of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | David with head of Goliath painting (c1472) by Antonio del Pollaiuolo at Berlin Gemaldegalerie. Berlin, Germany. |
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David with Head of Goliath painting (c1490-5) by Andrea Mantegna at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. | David & Goliath painting on side-panel of Renaissance-influenced Germanic cupboard (1576) at Schleswig Holstein State Museum. Schleswig, Germany. | David slaying Goliath Flemish tapestry (16thC) from Brussels in Salon Vauban at Chateau D'Ussé. Ussé, France. | David with Head of Goliath painting (1604-5) by Caravaggio at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. |
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David (damaged) & Goliath (missing) scene on Reims Cathedral. Reims, France. | Carved David slaying Goliath on facade of Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière. Lyon, France. | Hope scene of David slaying Golath on Ulm Rathaus. Ulm, Germany. | Triumph of David over Goliath painting copy of original by Guercino at Russborough House. Ireland. |
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Art glass of David slaying Goliath at National Liberty Museum. Philadelphia, PA. | David with Head of Goliath painting by circle of Domenichino over Adamesque fireplace at Haddo House. Methlick, Scotland. | King David ceiling painting in nine nobles room at Crathes Castle. Crathes, Scotland. | King David with harp painting (c1408) by Lorenzo Monaco of Florence at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Ethiopian manuscript page of King David playing Harp (15thC) at National Museum of African Art. Washington, DC. | Salon Mercury Royal bedroom with paintings of St Jean Evangelist (early 16thC) & King David playing Harp (c1620) at Versailles Palace. Versailles, France. | King David painting (1951) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of King David painting (1951) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Paintings of Moses with horns holds tables & King David play harp on organ loft at St Jacob's Church. Lübeck, Germany. | Detail of King David playing harp from stained-glass (rbp2) by Marc Chagall in Cathedral. Metz, France. | Detail of King David playing harp from stained-glass (rbp2) by Marc Chagall in Cathedral. Metz, France. | Stained glass windows with King David in Sage Chapel on Cornell Campus. Ithaca, NY. |
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Roundel with King David on The Hall ceiling at Craigievar Castle. Alford, Scotland. | Jesse Tree painting giving family tree including Jesse of Bethlehem, King David, Solomon & Jesus (c1500) by Geertgen tot Sint-Jans at Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam, NL. | Enamel casket with scenes of David & Solomon (c1550) from Limoges, France at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |