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Pala d'Oro (c1020), gold altar front with scenes from Passion centered by Christ in Majesty with medallions containing symbols of Four Evangelists in Palatine Chapel at Aachen Cathedral. Aachen, Germany. | Carved ivory scenes of Christ's Passion & Crucifixion (c1330-70) at Tau Palace Museum. Reims, France. | Ivory diptych with Passion of Christ (c1370-80) from Paris at Petit Palace Museum. Paris, France. | Small Passion: Parts of a Triptych Paintings (c1415-20) by Master of the Small Passion at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. |
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Life & Passion of Christ in 31 Scenes painting (c1430-35) by Meister der Passionsfolgen in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | 15 scenes from Life & Passion of Christ painting (c1430-35) by Meister der Passionsfolgen in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | 15 scenes from Life & Passion of Christ painting (c1430-35) by Meister der Passionsfolgen in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Panels of Scenes from Passion of Christ paintings (c1490-1500) by Thoman Burgmair of Augsburg in Municipal Art Gallery at Schaezler Palace. Augsburg, Germany. |
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Mount Calvary of the Wasservass Family painting (early 15thC) by Meister des Wasservass'schen Kalvarienbergs in Köln at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Memorial for Vetter Sisters (donors) multi-part painting (1499) attrib. Hans Holbein Elder depicting scenes from Passion of Christ in Municipal Art Gallery at Schaezler Palace. Augsburg, Germany. | Three panel paintings (c1500) : The Crucifixion; Deposition from Cross & Entombment by Hans Holbein Elder in Municipal Art Gallery at Schaezler Palace. Augsburg, Germany. | Details of carving of Passion of Christ above south entrance doors to Köln Cathedral. Köln, Germany. |
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Four panels from two wings of triptych painting depicting Passion of Christ originally on the high altar of Köln's Carthusian Church of St Barbara by Meister der Lyversberg-Passion at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Four panels from two wings of triptych painting depicting Passion of Christ originally on the high altar of Köln's Carthusian Church of St Barbara by Meister der Lyversberg-Passion at Wallraf-Richartz Museum. Köln, Germany. | Painting with scenes of Passion of Christ at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Passion carvings at St Sebaldus Church. Nuremberg, Germany. |
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Ivory diptych of Passion of Christ (later 14thC) from France at Museum of Decorative Arts. Paris, France. | Passion of Christ stained glass scenes at St Chapelle. Paris, France. | Ivory diptych with scenes from Passion, Ascension & Pentecost (2nd quarter 14thC) at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Crucifixion scene over bronze doors of Basilica of Sacred Heart on Montmartre. Paris, France. |
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Scenes of Christ's Passion & Resurrection on exterior St-Denis Basilica. St Denis, France. | Crucifixion carvings over central door of Cathedral. Strasbourg, France. | Passion of Christ stained glass window at Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. | Chapterhouse with 16thC Passion of Christ murals at Fontevraud Abbey. Fontevraud, France. |
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Crucifixion mural in Chapterhouse at Fontevraud Abbey. Fontevraud, France. | Gothic arch with crucifixion carving surrounded by saints over western portal of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | German ivory carving of Passion of Christ (late 14th - early 15thC) by workshop of master of Kremsmünster? at Beaux-Arts Museum. Lyon, France. | Last Supper; Christ's Agony in the Garden; Betrayal; Christ bearing the Cross stained glass windows by Ballantine of Edinburgh at St Giles Cathedral. Edinburgh, Scotland. |